I had THE strangest dream of all time on Saturday night. One thing that happens while pregnant, are the insanely strange dreams that occur! I STILL remember some of them that I had when pregnant the 1st time, one hanging off a cliff by the umbilical chord, me trying to pull the baby up! Just some really wacky ones. Funny enough, this go round I have not remembered my dreams as vividly...until...
Sunday morning, I woke up in NJ and felt like I had just experienced the craziest thing EVER, that did not even really happen. Brian was still asleep next to me, Aiden was up and at em with my mom (we spend the night in NJ and thank GOD for her, she takes Aiden and let's us sleep!!!). I sat up, turned to him and told him that in my dream our little bugger reached out of my belly and I held her hand! It was the cutest/creepiest thing EVER, but aw I tell you..I fell in love with that little baby even more!
I remember watching my belly when Aiden was in there having no idea what was to come, this go round I feel and see all the flips and realize what's to come! It has now gotten to the point where Aiden sits on my lap, pulls my shirt up and rubs my belly AND my boobs. I think she thinks that they are all one in the same, like part of each other. I see the excitement is there, but she also seems quite nervous. I think she is just realizing that the baby will be here to stay!
UGH so many things going on in my brain, so many emotions...what to do with all of it, when you can't rely on a good drink it is VERY tricky!!! I feel like the photo I just posted MOST of the time!
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