What is all the bru ha ha about the fact that Cheerios debuted an inter-ratial family, in a commercial? I can't imagine that in this day and age (I can but it just sounds better when I say I can't imagine), there are issues with making a commercial with a biracial child and her White mom and Black dad (not to be confused with caucasian and African American). BOOYA I did not realize they made oreo Cheerios!
Clearly this is my arena, the whole mixed parents, biracial child thing...I am one, and I have produced "it" too! It is my norm for sure, and clearly not everyones...but then again, what is consider the "norm" nowadays? I live in NYC, the melting pot of the freaking world so clearly my depiction of what's normal is not the same as jo shmo in Montana (no offense at all to Montana just the first state that popped into my head, where you don't hear much about what goes on). I know that for some reason people are taking offense to the commercial but really my question is why? WHY? WHY? do they feel it is promoting people to go find someone of another race and marry them? That it's glorifying having mixed relationships and having biracial children? And EVEN if it was (which clearly it's not), why is that any different from having 2 White or 2 Black people as parents...promoting THAT as the norm? WTF is wrong with our society! We can have a major tornado/disaster in Oklahoma, where everyone in the area is affected (regardless of race, religion, etc.) strip everyone of everything that meant something to them...and then and ONLY then is everyone equal.
I don't want to be that ranter, ranting about equalities and shit, mostly b/c only 17 of you follow me anyway:) BUT no for real that won't do anything. I can only teach my children to NOT think like those people who are so against the commercial; and make sure they are compassionate, forward thinking, liberal, GREAT people.
Oh it's "Terrible Tuesday" no wonder.
Until next time,
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