Monday, June 10, 2013


Is it weird to think your entire life can fit into this perfect box, and then in turn so can your death? Meaning, you can live in the same place your "like" people do, live in the same houses, live the same lives, go to the same churches, temples whatever, drive the same cars, go on the same vacations, have the same "type" of kids; and then die...and even get buried in the SAME place everyone else gets buried. What does that say about you (as a person), or does it say anything at all other than, all of those things just simply make you happy? And you are lucky to have a great group of people loving you in life AND in death. My in-laws both grew up in Brooklyn, lived there after they got married (at the age of 18), moved to NJ (with other friends from the area over 40 years ago), went to the same temple as everyone else (who was conservative in the area), sent your kids to the public school (with every other "like" person), drove the same cars, were friends with the same people only like them, and after all of that...will be buried in the same cemetery as everyone like them. Does that make a difference in life and then death? We attended a funeral yesterday, in a room filled with ALL of the same "type" of person (and their off-spring) and none of that mattered AT all! It was just a beautiful thing that everyone gathered around to celebrate someone's life; a woman whom for sure touched everyone's life, around her. Brian and I got into the car and the 1st thing I said to him was, "babe please I don't want a funeral. I don't want a group of people all sitting together in a depressing room, my body in a casket, and some random person talking about me...someone who never even met me! I would rather you rent out a chill bar for a few hours, have drinks, eats, etc. and just all talk about the fun (I hope) you had with me. ALL the good with the bad, the fun times, the sad times, the best times, the worse times. Please have everyone I love in a room, that is filled with good friends, booze and great story tellers. THAT is how I want to go. I want it to be in true BTC fashion. I want to be the same in death as I am in life." His next question, was, "and where is the body going to be?" UGH really? UM NOT fucking there! Interesting that in life you are surrounded by everyone you love, at events life your wedding, Christening or Bris, etc. then you have the same group (hopefully) in death. AND no matter if it's the group of people who all look alike, act alike, live alike or a room filled with different types of people from all walks of life, it just does not make a difference. What makes a difference is that you have a group of people, in a room, celebrating your life. XOXO BTC

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