Friday, June 7, 2013


Why is it that when you do a job for someone, and then you ask them for a discount or something of that have to pay full price for the item? It's it just the way of the world to say, NO don't worry you don't have to pay for it; OR of course but here's a discount for you? Maybe I am being presumptuous but I think there are times (most in fact) that you need/should do that for people...I mean come on, discounts are the new Black! When I have a brand of some sort, or something like that I know that I will be extremely's just who I am! I am a thanker, a giver, and I am proud to the be that person. I think the only downside is that I find a flaw in people who are NOT like that, and believe me you there are plenty of people out there. I don't think that people need to just give things away to give them away, but there is a way to go about it that is just, well, right! It costs you $5 bucks to produce but you are charging me 36 and I am certainly not your average WTF, what gives? ANYHOO, it's a rainy Friday morning in NYC but in some ways it's cathartic! The sounds, the smell, buy may also be the fact that I am in full on leggings and sweatshirt from 1980 that attributes to the fact that I love it so much. Very possibly b/c I have nothing to do but work in my office, get back onto the bus and go home for the night. I hope you have a lovely weekend, and remember... do everything that I would do, and more! XOXO BTC

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