Stay tuned for "Drop The Act! It's Exhausting!" On shelves October, 2015
Friday, June 28, 2013
It's Friday, and I'm gonna get you high today...b/c you aint got no job, and you ain't got shit to do!
I MAY have selected this title in a previous post, but I just love the movie "Friday" WAY to much to not put it up today! This is how I am feeling (sans the no job part) I am just a happy little camper that it's Friday today! I am happy that I don't have to work tomorrow, I am happy that I can drink tonight with friends, I am happy my mom will be watching my kids to have a damn break and I am happy that it's Friday for just SO many reasons! "It's Friday...and I'm gonna get you high today!"
What does it say about a person when they are defined by material things? Does it say they don't know any differently or that they just put an emphasis on what they have because it makes them feel better about themselves; more important? I don't miss having those types of friends I really don't. I think as I got older and realized all the bullshit my parents used to call out with my friends was true, that I came to grips with those truths too. They used to try and sit me down and explain to me what kinds of people there were, and why it was not such a nice way to be...but as 15 year old who did not want to be told what to do, I was not hearing it! I am thankful that the things that they did say, sunk in, in so many ways...ways I did not even realize until now. THANK GOD for good parents and good values. I don't blame the people I used to call my friends and would be civil if and when we are all together again, but we don't share the same life, values, goals or anything! I want things for myself, I want to make them for myself I want to work hard for things...and feel like I have EARNED them, was not given them. I was always fortunate to go and do whatever I want, take vacations have pretty things but the values were just never simpatico.
ANYHOO, BON weekend to all!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Weird how people never thought of this type of outlet until now...the kind where you can talk about anything (most focus on a subject, I just ramble), but a place you can just BE, SAY, DO what you want. But really, why am I more special than anyone else (I am not), and WTF everyone's got a blog...including me.
Why I would think people might be interested in what I say is kinda comical, and I mean...narcassistic? I mean, it's a given that if you are putting stuff out there for the general public you probably feel confident about what you are talking about! NO? Anyway, I am so tired must go to sleep...but could not go to bed without jotting down that one thought.
Tomorrow is Friday, and I am going to drink my way through it!
The great question of the day, should I get another tat? To be or not to be, that is the question...well not really, but you know what I mean. It's a big decision and to have them removed is such a pain so you really have to be into what you got going on, on your body! Yodle ley he tattooooooooo
Question now is where and what, because my appointment is at 1, DOPE!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I seriously don't think that Biz could have said it ANY better! Why is that some people just don't know how to be a friend, and really when I say that I am talking about girls. I have THE best girlfriends ever...but then I have some "friends" who are just all about themselves; AND self promotion. Why is is that they think we are friends...and that I got what they need?
I would like to state for the record, that I am the person who IS in fact friends with some people like this, so I am for sure partly to blame. It's like if I feel this way, then why are we still friends? I can't for the life of my think what that reason might be, but at the same time I am sick of trying to be the one that spearheads the friendship. Why do I schedule the drinks, why do YOU cancel, why do I attempt at having a friendship and yours seems out of convenience? Come to think of it, it's kind of pathetic on my part. In some way, I really enjoy their company and have a great time when we are together! BUT at the same time, if it's more one-sided (b/c of course are always busier than you)...thank FINE! I won't put anymore effort in, but then I think what if I need something from you? CanI turn the tables and use you in some way? CAN I?
It's hump day here in NYC, the weather is fucking horrendous and there's no end in sight. I am SO pissed b/c I am supposed to enjoy a day at Matty's pool (Friday), and it does not look like the weather is really going to hold up! I hate the summer in so many ways, but then when I want to do things like that I get upset if the weather is actually bad!
OMG this post is all over the damn map, it's like a window into my head! HA
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Brian always uses that saying about people, and to be perfectly honest it's a great one! Why is it that so many people think that the world revolves around them, so they can just come and go as they please...and well, we just need to alter our life to fit theirs? Why is it that it's just your world and we live in it?
I would like to think that's NOT the type of person that I am, but then again sometimes you don't really know yourself. I think there's a good indication when you have a group of people, who's general consensus is just that...general. What happens if that person is a good friend or even worse family, how do you live in "Their" world when it always revolve around them? AND how do you tell them, well that they are selfish? And that's just it, it's all about me, what is good for me, what can you do for me, me, me, me, me. And then when you try to tell them it's like that, they act like you are the crazy one! That was just a portion of my weekend, the rest was great:)
ANYway, I hope everyone had a good weekend and you know Monday always does have to come around...but that just means Tues, Wed. and then the end of the week comes shortly there after!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Strange to think that even at times you want to be someone you are not. You want to relieve yourself of those things you are programmed to do, as a that you can (for a moment), not be that person. BUT in the end, I realized. I am a mom even when I don't want to be.
What does that say about me, as a person? OR does it mean when you cross over in that arena that is just the way it's going to be? I think I am finally ok with that, I can still hold my own...but at the end of the day, it's clearly the most important job I have; and the most important boss that I need to be!
I hope everyone's having a good weekend...I have been drunk for a very large portion of it!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
You know when when you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel? I can finally put these words down on paper, and feel good about the fact I can really see what the future WILL hold. I worry when I say things that by saying them it makes them real and legit; and if that does not happen...I will have failed in SOME way. I am excited for what the future holds, whatever that my be.
People say you control your own destiny and in many ways I do think that is true; but I also think it takes an incredible amount of hard work too!
Wait I am just coming back to this 6 hours later...and I can't even really remember what I was talking about...ON TOP of the fact that I am now having some White wine:)
GOOD night!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
WHY is it that I find it so difficult to relate to other moms? I am a total fish out of water when it comes to anything school related! I am always there, I am always helping, but it just does not feel natural to me; and I don't think it looks natural to other people. You would think a mom, is a mom is a mom?
I see these moms that all look like they SHOULD be there, like the DESERVE to be there, and then there's me. People would say, "come on what are you talking about?" But I don't know how to describe it, different than I am right now! In any event, I just think about all of the times I am going to have to be available for stuff like that and it totally makes me uneasy. AND I don't think I have ever talked about this with Brian. Not for any reason, maybe more because I am just now really realizing it?
Anyway, off to work out...and go to the office, where I feel MOST myself:)
Happy Happy Hump Day! (that sounds weird)
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
What is it about always saying yes and rarely saying no?? I am so that person, no matter how many times I say I am not going to be! I say yes when anyone asks me for ANYTHING. It could be money, help, the shirt off my back...I will give anyone anything that they need, pretty much at any time. What does it say about me? I think it says I work for free.
I would like to think that I am more of a hard ass than I am, I would like to think that I can just say no and be ok with it...but I can't, and I won't! I don't like people to be unhappy with me, and I don't like them to NOT get what they need and want. I hear no all the time, and I think I always worry about asking people for things, for sake of asking them for too much...but I do it any way, anything from anyone I have a relationship with.
Everyone who has ever taken advantage of that, can go to HELL!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Do you ever want to bow out on plans, even though you know shouldn't? AND with that, there are def, times in my entire life that I have done just that! But at the end of the day, you suck it up! You make the long trip, you take the time to do something you may not want to do...because, well you kinda have to. You take a moment out of your busy life to do something that is not for you, and you do it! You don't just take a bow...and bow out!
What is it about certain people that you know who are ALWAYS reliable, vs. the ones you know and love who are not. Do you think there's a reason people are like that? Or do you think they are just too self involved to know that their decision then affects other people. If you make a plan, what can't you stick with it? And of course I am not meaning the times that people get sick, or something comes know, life happens! I mean just deciding to do something b.c you want to, not because it is in the best interest of other people.
Well, I fucking hate EVERYONE today...everyone's a bitch, and it's only Monday. Lord have mercy on my soul for the rest of this week!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Do you ever feel SO stressed you could freaking you could SCREAM, THROW, PUNCH, KICK??!?!?! Yeah I feel that way A LOT lately, but I just don't really like anyone to know I feel that way:) Sometimes the PRESSURE just gets to you!!!
I mean that's kinda a not nice way of saying, I feel like I can do anything...I don't meant necessarily better than you! Just worked for todays title:)
I always want to challenge myself, I think I get bored easily if I don't feel like I am doing things that stimulate my brain; and force me to work on myself and the things around me! I don't know if that's awesome or just plain dumb, to keep adding things onto what already seems like quite a full plate!
I love what I do, I will always love what I do...and am MADE to a PR person; however, that editor in my, that creative mind, the one that needs to create things is always working overtime. I think because of that, I am inclined to do more and more and more, and really love what I add on.
I had a fun time styling a friend for a TV show last night, not my normal arena in fashion but something I do every day for myself...and have put TONS of looks together as an editor. Really great time, and now I know I could do this too! I MEAN in some way, I am not jumping against the likes of the best in the bizz:)
So it's Thursday and it's pouring rain again in NYC, makes it a little depressing...but hey tomorrow's Friday, right?
Monday, June 10, 2013
Is it weird to think your entire life can fit into this perfect box, and then in turn so can your death? Meaning, you can live in the same place your "like" people do, live in the same houses, live the same lives, go to the same churches, temples whatever, drive the same cars, go on the same vacations, have the same "type" of kids; and then die...and even get buried in the SAME place everyone else gets buried. What does that say about you (as a person), or does it say anything at all other than, all of those things just simply make you happy? And you are lucky to have a great group of people loving you in life AND in death.
My in-laws both grew up in Brooklyn, lived there after they got married (at the age of 18), moved to NJ (with other friends from the area over 40 years ago), went to the same temple as everyone else (who was conservative in the area), sent your kids to the public school (with every other "like" person), drove the same cars, were friends with the same people only like them, and after all of that...will be buried in the same cemetery as everyone like them. Does that make a difference in life and then death?
We attended a funeral yesterday, in a room filled with ALL of the same "type" of person (and their off-spring) and none of that mattered AT all! It was just a beautiful thing that everyone gathered around to celebrate someone's life; a woman whom for sure touched everyone's life, around her. Brian and I got into the car and the 1st thing I said to him was, "babe please I don't want a funeral. I don't want a group of people all sitting together in a depressing room, my body in a casket, and some random person talking about me...someone who never even met me! I would rather you rent out a chill bar for a few hours, have drinks, eats, etc. and just all talk about the fun (I hope) you had with me. ALL the good with the bad, the fun times, the sad times, the best times, the worse times. Please have everyone I love in a room, that is filled with good friends, booze and great story tellers. THAT is how I want to go. I want it to be in true BTC fashion. I want to be the same in death as I am in life."
His next question, was, "and where is the body going to be?" UGH really? UM NOT fucking there!
Interesting that in life you are surrounded by everyone you love, at events life your wedding, Christening or Bris, etc. then you have the same group (hopefully) in death. AND no matter if it's the group of people who all look alike, act alike, live alike or a room filled with different types of people from all walks of life, it just does not make a difference. What makes a difference is that you have a group of people, in a room, celebrating your life.
I am THE least religious person EVER...I mean, EVER! I don't believe that you have to be one thing over another, or anything like that. I DO however believe in some sort of higher power; that's not segregated...dependent on the particulars of different religions. It's the only way to explain the way in which things happen, especially bad things to good people. God (for lack of a better term), only gives you what you can handle...
How does this higher power choose who, and why do they choose "them?" When they choose the people, is it because of their unimaginable strength, or b/c given the way the world works...there has to be some sort of system for differences? That seems so incredibly cruel; but at the same time strangely beautiful. I have a hard time feeling "sorry" for people who end up in those circumstances, really b/c I don't want them to FEEL different, or to draw attention to the obvious. Like, oh I am so sorry that you child is that in turns makes them feel worse, b/c why would I think that would make a difference what they were? Not sure if the way in which I just described that makes sense?
I find strength in my friends who are able to put their best foot forward and soldier on, under the craziest of circumstances. I praise those who are so strong, they can not only accept their fate, but take it and RUN with it in THE most amazing ways! THEY are gods gifs to the world, not the ones of us who have the "normal" kids...we are just that, the "norm." To me they are EXTRA-special.
Lots of food for thought today, Monday.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Why is it that when you do a job for someone, and then you ask them for a discount or something of that have to pay full price for the item? It's it just the way of the world to say, NO don't worry you don't have to pay for it; OR of course but here's a discount for you? Maybe I am being presumptuous but I think there are times (most in fact) that you need/should do that for people...I mean come on, discounts are the new Black!
When I have a brand of some sort, or something like that I know that I will be extremely's just who I am! I am a thanker, a giver, and I am proud to the be that person. I think the only downside is that I find a flaw in people who are NOT like that, and believe me you there are plenty of people out there. I don't think that people need to just give things away to give them away, but there is a way to go about it that is just, well, right! It costs you $5 bucks to produce but you are charging me 36 and I am certainly not your average WTF, what gives?
ANYHOO, it's a rainy Friday morning in NYC but in some ways it's cathartic! The sounds, the smell, buy may also be the fact that I am in full on leggings and sweatshirt from 1980 that attributes to the fact that I love it so much. Very possibly b/c I have nothing to do but work in my office, get back onto the bus and go home for the night.
I hope you have a lovely weekend, and remember... do everything that I would do, and more!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
I love some of those inspiring sayings like," When one door closes another one opens," "One mans trash is another mans treasure," and my all time fav. "Someone's loss is another persons gain"...I love it MOST in business!
I have learned so much doing what I do, spending all my time preparing people for success, helping them get where they want and need to be that I could almost do it with my eyes closed! I find it amazing that I have departmentalized all of it in my head, basically filed it away so that each time I need to use it, it's readily available. NOW I want to use it for me. I want to learn from all of THEIR mistakes, so that their misfortune (hate to say it), is my gain!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013
I literally woke up this morning and felt like complete dog SHIT! I never have the case of the Monday Blues, it's always sunny skies for me on this day. I mean maybe not every Monday but for the most part, I don't have that thing everyone has when they have to go back to work. My personal life is my work life too for the most part, so I really enjoy coming in, every day. I think I just can't kick this freaking summer cold, and it has been hitting me like a ton of bricks!
Anyhoo...I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had a lovely outdoor summer weekend, always a lovely way to kick off the summer. We saw one of my best friends from childhood, one of my closest friends EVER, and someone we don't see as much as we should. I think it's weird to really pin-point WHY we don't see them, but rather it's just something that does not happen...because I really think on their side, they are sometimes weird. Case in point, the kids have a birthday party coming up and we were not invited; IN FACT we have never been invited to one of their outdoor parties with the kids. I find it VERY strange, b/c I would never NOT invite him to anything I was going, we have been friends for so long it would be weird for me NOT to invite him. NOT to mention, our kids get along, we all get along, I am confused why we are always left out? NOW...they are weird in the sense that every year I invite them to my girls parties and they have not come since Aiden turned 2, LITERALLY! I am not sure if it's b/c we don't live where they live? Our kinds don't go to school together? Not sure what it is...but I can tell you, it's hurtful but more importantly fucking WEIRD! UGH, managing relationships is a hard job!
Back to the grind, hope your day is better than mine!
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