So, what's the big brew ha ha with strip clubs? I mean I get the whole women moving around naked on stage, but if you can't screw them then what's really the point?
Think of it in simple terms. You go to the club, you drink you watch women dance, maybe get an actual lap dance and then go home to the person you wake up to day in and day out, and have to fuck them! So really, what's the point? By the time you get home it's not like you are going to be able to fulfill your fantasies with your wife (or husband) or whatever. It will be too late, you will be too tired, and realistically too drunk. I don't get it? I would TOTALLY get it if you were PAYING for the actual act of sex, then all of your surging hormones would be for something, not nothing. AND really, lord knows where most of the vaginas have been if you think about it like that it's kinda nasty! Foreign vag?
I am not against men going, I mean do whatever you want I am not that wife...I just want to fully understand. Is it a place to "Catch" up with the boys? I don't know if I would want to catch up with my girls in front of penis flying all around us; unless they were ones we could actually use? I don't know, some deep thoughts for a Friday I can tell you that much! HA
Enjoy your weekend...don't do anything I wouldn't do! BETTER YET do everything that I CAN'T do:)
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