Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I try REALLY hard to not draw attention to certain things in our home. I don't define people by their weight, religion, race, etc. If I can't teach my children to think the same way, I will feel as though I have failed in some way as their mom. It's so interesting as we get older and our kids get older, seeing who's kid thinks in what ways and why (odd way of putting it but...)it's true. I am never fully surprised when I hear things out of kids mouths, when I know their parents. And I can't really act like my way is the only way, but how is it ok to teach your kid that defining people by what they look like, is ok. I mean it's my blog I can cry if I want to, and what I want to say is it's complete bullshit. Why is there a need to teach that? You don't love someone for who they are, FINE! You don't agree with the decisions that they make, the things that they say, etc. fine. You don't like the way they look, their skin color, their religion oh please. You know it's like fashion the trickle down theory, nature vs. nurture you are defined by your parents in so many ways. You learn that so much more every day. Of course you have the ability to change a lot of those things, but at the same time so much of it is a learned behavior. I have a hard time when friends (or family for that matter), make that turn and teach their kid those terms, but then are adamant about them not using foul language like fuck. You see in my house, it's the opposite. Lord knows I throw out curses left and right something I clearly need to work on, but they know it's in jest and I don't associate a meaning with the word so really they don't say any of them. NO excuse on my part, BUT I would much rather they throw out an occasional mother fucker, and never define someone by the way they look, color of their skin, or religion that they choose to practice. BTC

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