I think part of the reason I can't stand The Oscars, or any other award show for that matter...has less to do with the fact that I normally think everyone looks like crap all dressed up (there are always exceptions of course), but more to do with the fact that it seems like an evening we just feed already egotistical people with more CRAP!
What is it about their art that we need to give them some GIANT gold statue to make them believe their work is best? Don't they know that if they are playing along side Sally Field in a movie they are pretty much rad anyway? Why do we give them such power, when there are people that save lives daily and they don't get a golden statue in front of the free world? Don't we have more important things to think about?
Are these people talented? YES! Do they entertain us when we want to remove ourselves from our crazy world? YES, are they are a strange breed of people that can really only hang amongst themselves? YES! BUT why must we, year in and year out present them with a statue, in front of the world, telling them yet again how amazing they are? I cannot possibly be the only woman in America that does not give a shit about this stuff? People never understand that because I do what I do does not mean I have to like award shows! I never quite understood why people thought that went hand in hand. None the less, I am BEYOND thrilled that this time is O V E R!
Happy Monday!
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