Stay tuned for "Drop The Act! It's Exhausting!" On shelves October, 2015
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
How many people out there really want to BE somebody? Like want to be someone not b/c they have things to share but because they just want to BE someone. I think it's a dime a dozen now, it seems everyone is doing something, working on something, wanting to be something...and very few have it in the bag.
Why has our world turned to personal branding, on all fronts. Whether it be fashion, books, movies, writing, you name it...and why is everyone talking about the SAME thing; how to dress, what to wear, where to buy it? And personally can only use relatable fashion terms given what I do, but I am sure it happens in every industry; in some capacity! What is it about todays world that calls for more and more of that; AND is it ever going to stop? And if not, how will everyone differentiate themselves from each other with more concepts popping up EVERY day?
I love hearing about everyone's ventures, hopes and dreams. I love hearing about new things and how they came about, but more importantly why they are successful. At the same time, it does seem like overkill. I don't think we need one more fashion book or a "how to style?" How is everyone saying the same thing, just differently? Is there an untapped market out there that no one has found yet? "One never one?"-Ain't Misbehavin
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013
What is it about an insecure man that is so disgusting??
The need to look like you have it all together, that you love yourself more than anyone else; and that the world should love you JUST as much as you love yourself! It really is pathetic. Their need to have their ego stroked, thinking that the way they do things is the only way to do it; you know the HOLY way. They surround themselves only by people that dote on them, tell them they are great and appease their every move. An insecure man is a disgusting man.
They barely have a life, yet brag about all they do and places where they go; OH and we can't forget who they are with! Dare I say it's all the same "type" of person? They think flashing money around can buy them love, happiness, FRIENDS for christ sake! Wine and dine anyone and everyone to show your powerful self (insert vomit)!!
We all know someone like this, at home, at work, friends, etc. and we all have to deal with them in some way. Both men and women for sure, but for some reason it's just so much worse with a man! At times I have waned to call them out on their bullshit (imagine that:), but then feel badly at addressing what they probably don't even see.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Do you think it is possible to wake up every morning, and say...this is going to be a GOOD day? I hear people say that all the time so I am going to begin an experiment. For the next week I am going to wake up and say that, feel it, know it and see if it changes anything for me.
As much as I am an incredibly honest person, I find that for the most part I am an optimist. I think if you can visualize it and work for it it is possible to make things happen. I do wake up on MOST days and think this is going to be a good day. I think the difference is that when I wake up I don't TELL myself that, in those terms. I don't visualize it every day, to really make it happen.
There are days that are just automatically shitty aka my famous "Terrible Tuesday". Those were and always will be just that...terrible tuesday. My husband is a bit more or I should a lot more of a pessimist. I try to change that about him, but to no avail. I think really it is engrained in his head that, that will simply not work. You can't think it's going to be a good day and then have it happen. I want him to be the one to wake up and say that every day. Join in the experiment WITH me, b/c he would be the one that if it does work and we do see change, it will hopefully make a bigger, more positive impact on his life every day.
I want to be that person the one that's always positive, and I think on many levels I am; not to be confused with my honesty...or how I feel about people's stupidity:) I follow someone on Twitter a friend that always says, "HEY lets make this a great day"I don't know maybe he's on to something!
Monday, February 18, 2013
And I am not even talking business. Forget that because that's just fucking annoying...I mean at home. You would THINK being home with the kids and my man would be enjoyable, but it is kinda just the opposite more annoying than anything else!
Why is it that the kids need the MOST attention, and so does the husband? WHY am I constantly doing the dishes, running the dishwasher, picking everything up off the floor known to man, cleaning the apt, organizing the free ass world!! There is no "down time" or relaxation or even any excitement about just hanging out just does not happen.
I hate to sound so selfish and incredibly insincere but I don't know how many people TRULY enjoy it. What I can say is being someone who stays home, ALL the time with my children would kill a little bit of me EVERY single day. Mama's gotta have some damn time off.
So tomorrow is "TT" (aka Terrible Tuesday) enjoy it best you can, b.c you know no matter what it's gonna SUCK!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
WHY is it that in New York City, you could literally live next to someone for YEARS and never really talk to them? OR you could live next to someone you think is great, and talk to them forever? Amazing how people can really do that in New York City and you hear that woman can't even get along in the burbs and there is MUCH space between them!
Take my next-door neighbors...they have 2 kids (a new baby), we have 2 kids but we don't have a lot in common; OR they think we are too crazy a household to hang with. I can't IMAGINE what they hear, me yelling, my kids yelling, running around like maniacs. We are a "loose cannon" daily! I hear them, I mean it's hard not to at some point but they are not NEARLY as loud and awful as we are. No possible way. How much can you ignore? Do you tell your friends what it's like to live next to us? When your kids run up and down the hallways when it's totally against the rules, does it bother me? NO but it DEF. bothers the other neighbors. What kind of barriers can you put up in such close quarters?
As Brian and I continuously look for homes the idea of moving out of NYC is so incredibly scary to me. I know the kids and our family can blend in in Manhattan; I know that's not even REMOTELY possible when we leave. They will have to deal with all of the crap that I dealt with (hoping it's a little better nowadays) but all those differences will DEF. be magnified!
SO, if you live in NYC or have at some point you know what it can be like with your neighbors. It can be GREAT or it can be bad. It can't be odd (if you have never even spoken to them), or it can be cordial. Whatever it is, the greatest thing about NYC is you CAN live in a building with people and go about your business as if they are not even there. I fear in the burbs you have all of this space but are watched like a fucking hawk.
Off to Brian's parents today for the day, yeah whole other subject entirely:)
Friday, February 15, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I try REALLY hard to not draw attention to certain things in our home. I don't define people by their weight, religion, race, etc. If I can't teach my children to think the same way, I will feel as though I have failed in some way as their mom.
It's so interesting as we get older and our kids get older, seeing who's kid thinks in what ways and why (odd way of putting it but...)it's true. I am never fully surprised when I hear things out of kids mouths, when I know their parents. And I can't really act like my way is the only way, but how is it ok to teach your kid that defining people by what they look like, is ok. I mean it's my blog I can cry if I want to, and what I want to say is it's complete bullshit. Why is there a need to teach that? You don't love someone for who they are, FINE! You don't agree with the decisions that they make, the things that they say, etc. fine. You don't like the way they look, their skin color, their religion oh please. You know it's like fashion the trickle down theory, nature vs. nurture you are defined by your parents in so many ways. You learn that so much more every day. Of course you have the ability to change a lot of those things, but at the same time so much of it is a learned behavior.
I have a hard time when friends (or family for that matter), make that turn and teach their kid those terms, but then are adamant about them not using foul language like fuck. You see in my house, it's the opposite. Lord knows I throw out curses left and right something I clearly need to work on, but they know it's in jest and I don't associate a meaning with the word so really they don't say any of them. NO excuse on my part, BUT I would much rather they throw out an occasional mother fucker, and never define someone by the way they look, color of their skin, or religion that they choose to practice.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The year I had no idea who I was, what I wanted, who I wanted to be with, who I wanted to be friends, what I wanted to be..I could go on and on and on. At least that's what I thought at the time, as I get older I realize I knew EXACTLY who I wanted to be, was just not ready to admit it!
As I sit here watching "The Carrie Diaries" (first time I don't know, I don't mind this show) and all this high school stuff pops up, the little girl with big dreams dare I say I have A LOT of the things I always knew I would have? That I actually realized some of the dreams I dreamt at that age? I had a conversation with someone the other day highlighting in detail some of my younger years; and some of the shit I which time I started to remember what it was like to BE that person, at that age. I remember people (BOYS), places (DE), things(OR LACK THERE OF THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE WITH SUCH EXCESS), situations (FIRST TIME 1ST BASE, 2nd, and so on and so forth, that I probably wanted to forget...or buried so deep b/c they were seriously, fucking ridiculous! All these feelings came up again, it's like I WAS that person again for a moment.
I miss being that age when everything was SUCH a big deal, yet not. You have your ENTIRE life ahead of you. No REAL worries that can't be tended to, but at the same time you map it all out, your future that is. I see my girls and I think to myself oh my god, it's all just beginning for them. Sorta jealous but at the same time excited for them to go through all the crazy things life has to offer, at that age. But what on earth will it be like today? I mean the 80's and 90's ok, but after 2000 shit got WACKY!
None the less, feeling incredibly nostalgic watching "#TheCarrieDiaries" I really, really am.
Why do woman at nail places "coffee clutch?" I mean, I am sure at some point in my life I did it too...the difference is I was probably 16 at the time. I don't get it, it's a communal place people go to get their nails done, BUT they also would like to relax a bit too. Am I right? SO why the fuck do women talk so damn much!
It's always the SAME type of person know the ones I mean? AND I don't mean friends who decide to go and get their nails done together, and have a pleasant, low conversation. It's the young mothers that talk about anyone and everyone loudly (famous and not famous), the ones that want others to hear their conversations for god knows what reason, the ones that talk so loudly you know things like: their nanny does not know how to cook their kids good food, you learn about their husbands penis sizes (or lack there of), their friends indiscretions; that they don't wear underwear to physique 57 class b/c their instructor is hot. I mean I could go on until the cows come home, those happen to be my favorites ones! Then you have 65 year and older women who break down EVERYTHING on this planet, from good chinese places, to the best movies out, to talking about their friends who just left, LITERALLY. Those are the ones I want to walk up to and say, shhhhhh....
If we can issue a disclaimer, or set a timer when these people come in so when it beeps they bounce, I would be one happy bitch!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Who shits in front of their significant other? Maybe I should start off with a little foreplay and say, who PEES in front of their significant other? And then who does both?
I can't imagine not doing those things (as well as the obvious fart), in front of my man. HELL I will do that in front of my best girlfriends (and boyfriends too even), without even batting an eye. WHEN did that start? I would say probably six months into the relationship (on his part), 17 years ago. ME, probably took me longer for the farting and shitting thing, DEF. not the peeing thing. I used to pee in the bathroom with friends all the time (boys and girls), I would probably do it now if it did not sound so weird. Why do some agree and some do not?
I have a very dear friend who won't poop in front of her husband...NOT even a little bit! They have been married for years, dated for years and have 2 kids, but no poop. She will push a giant thing out of her vagina with him looking on, but no poop. If anything changes something in a relationship it's having a child; you never view the lower region the same. So not sure why pooping would be that different? Is the end result more exciting so it puts all of those qualms to rest? I mean you do end up with a child as the outcome vs. something that gets flushed down a toilet.
Anyway, not sure how this POOPED into my head, but something I often wonder. To poop or or not to poop...that is the question!
Monday, February 4, 2013
One thing I hope to instill in my girls, is a the fierce ability to defend yourself; IF by chance you are attacked. This I can relate to first hand.
Aiden is taking Tae Kwon Do, and will continue to do so for as long as I can see. She loves the nature of the sport, the competition, the drive, and most of all she loves doing something that she's really good at! There was a moment when I had her and when I had Lila where I prayed at least one of them was athletic. So much of who I am, is defined by my athletic ability. It is not only a part of me, it's a part of WHO I am today.
Hard work, perseverance, and the drive to succeed has all been shaped by my athletic ability; and past involvement in both Lacrosse and Field Hockey. I was never quite sure who I was, but always knew I excelled and knew WHO I was ON the field. I am forever thankful that I was so involved in those sports, to this day I am active at LEAST 6 days a week...sometimes 7.
In turn, I am so proud of my daughter Aiden. The girl she's becoming, and her will to work hard at her sport...and in life! She's truly a gem inside and out, with or without Tae Kwon Do.
THANK GOD for my girls. When I want to just throw in the towel, they make me so thankful to be alive!!
Lila James is officially in a toddler bed as of last night! WOWIE time flies. I am so so so sad in so many ways to see her graduate from her crib, at the same time I am so so so proud of her that she is now entered the full on world of toddlerism. She was SO fantastic, slept like a champ (with the exception of getting up and standing in the middle of the room yelling for me), and when I walked in she said she had no idea what she was doing:) BUT other that that, she was GOLDEN! I know it will take some getting used to for all of us, but really it was such an eventful day!
I am so happy to have girls that love each other, I know all of that may change when personalities change, hormones kick in and then some...but I am going to do my best to force them to love each other no matter what! To challenge each other in those normal sister ways, but to genuinely care about each other, for the rest of their lives.
It was a weekend full of family time, just us...and you can't beat those weekends. Even at times when you want to run from each other b/c you think you have had enough someone does something amazing..and you fall in love with each other all over again!
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend...I am thankful for my family, every moment of every day!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
No matter what, I am a "YES" person. I say yes to friends, to plans, to just about EVERYTHING! I have no problem saying no to my kids, to my man, to my family but for some reason really can't say no to other aspects of my life. Why is that? Why do women take on so much, and why can't we say no?
I seem to over plan, over extend myself, and over book my calendar on a monthly basis. I don' know WHY I do it, but I love a hefty schedule and LOVE more than anything to see my friends; and have their kids with my kids. It is the BEST part of my weekends, at the same time I need to stop making plans at some point or I am going to drive myself NUTS!
SO, today I am going to take the day to do nothing. Organize my shit, get my head together, and just I don't know...NOT plan.
Friday, February 1, 2013
I am happy to say that my evening will include my older daughter, my best friend, her daughter...lots of wine, a fire, and then some. There's nothing like an end to a week, that includes all of those things. Some time with just ONE kid, some time with NO man, and just your best girlfriend.
I miss the days when we could just make a game-time decision to see each other; at one of our apts. Or just pick a bar and meet after work when we had nothing to come home to, but our men. Gone are those days when we lived so close together that a trip to one of our apts included a cab ride, subway OR even just a walk! Where does the time go? It all goes by so fast, you just blink and you have been friends for a lifetime.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, whatever you have planned. Kiss the ones you love and punch the ones you don't! HA juuuuusst kidding. Kinda:)
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