Friday, July 26, 2013


Bri and I have to make a pretty big decision, and it's a really hard one to deal with; but apparently I think it's the best one. I want to think that I am big enough to do this, to make certain things better...but I am not sure I am as strong as I think I am. It's a scary move but at some point we will have to just take a leap of faith...and do it! Have you ever had to do something REALLY hard in your life? AND by hard I mean something you DONT want to do, under any circumstance but it's better for all NOW and will be better in the long run. It's Friday and I don't really look forward to the weekends anymore, because the rest of our life is in such flux. I want to believe I can truly find happiness again in our life as a family, but in order to do that I will need to sacrifice some things that are comforts to me. NOT to mention, lately I am like a ticking time bomb and it's not good for anyone, Brian on the other hand is that bomb that's already exploded. I can only keep it together for so long. I am ANGRY at my kids more often than normal, I can't keep me cool at home or in the office, I can't stand my husband most of the time (but I love him very much), and I constantly feel like people just want things from me. On a lighter note... I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! That I did not put a damper on your day with my honesty! HA XOXO BTC

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