Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I am learning something from "Princesses in Long Island", that you CAN judge a a book by it's cover. OYE! Why is it that people feel like they are elitist? Why do they think if they went to Brown vs. Michigan or GW vs. Georgetown makes you a BETTER person, a BIGGER person, a more IMPORTANT person? It's super cool that's that is where you went...as long as you are not a DOUCHE about it! Elitist, yeah that's you! EFF YOU! It's typically YOU that we talk about when you turn around, it's YOU that we always make fun of b/c you think your shit does not stink; and it's DEF. you the guys want to walk away from when they are stuck talking to you at a bar. You are THAT person, and as a girl I can say this...it's always WORSE when it is a girl like that over a dude. Thankfully, I don't have many friends like that but unfortunately there are many people like that in my industry. It's fine, you literally just grin and bare it, try to move on, and then make fun of them when they leave your office. Anyhoo...it's the end of "Terrible Tuesday" THANK THE FUCKING LORD, I am very ready for hump day. AND that also means it's the beginning of a Holiday weekend. Is it weird that I am already anticipating the end of it, and it has yet to begin? Well at least my July horoscope (astrologyzone.com) is KICKIN! Until tomorrow... XOXO BTC

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