Stay tuned for "Drop The Act! It's Exhausting!" On shelves October, 2015
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
WHAT THE HELL IS IT ABOUT construction workers, that makes them feel they can hoot and holler and well you know, Say my name? What is THAT about? I decided one day to test that theory and really see what was up!
I walked down the street (and mind you at some point in my life I was pregnant getting cat calls), I decided to stop and ask them what they thought would happen if and when I stopped; and actually confronted one of these guys. JUST as I suspected, I stopped and I said, "what exactly do you think is going to happen...when you call me out, when I walk by. Do you think I am going to stop, stick my tongue down your throat, take you behind the building and bump and grind? Like seriously WTF. It could not BE more annoying, it's degrading, it's ridiculous no less; and I would love to know if anyone did in fact stop, and continue some sort of relationship with one of those dudes. Anyone? Anyone?
Hope everyone's having a great's hump day, things could be worse.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Why is it that people always try to name drop, when they are not really friends with the person to begin with? It's odd to me that people feel they are able to do that, and that it won't at some point, come back around. Beyonce said it oh so eloquently, "Say my name, say my name..."
I work in an industry where everything is based on who you know, and your relationships in the bizz. You need to know all the right people, all the right people need to know you, and really they all have to like you too! How can you utilize your relationships best, so that you get what you need and they get what they need? There is such a specific way to do it, and not everyone is great at it!
Just recently a good friend introduced me to one of her good friends, who I liked but certainly did NOT love. It's weird, I can pretty much get along with anyone (on the surface), but I think it helped me realized maybe my friend was not such a good judge of character that she did not see the flaws I see. OR she likes her that way, and there's something wrong with me. It's all so trivial.
Today is "Terrible Tuesday" and a friend just delivered some bad news to me. I am so sorry she has to deal with some shit, and it's fitting that it is happening today.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
You know that exact moment when you realize exactly WHY you don't like someone? It's like DING DING DING DING...and then your mind quiets down for a second, trying to figure out why you could not quite place it before. At least that's what happened to me. There is a family member I really never cared for (but hey it's family you can love them but you don't have to like them), she just irritates me; and really I think she kinda annoys everyone...or at least my friends:) Once you do realize why you don't like that person, then what's next? How do you then deal with it? Me, well I think now every times she talks I am going to be analyzing her. Then I will be judging her b/c she will do THAT thing more often now that I realized THAT is what it is!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend, mine was...interesting. Sat shiva, spent time with family, have sick kids. It's kind of a mix of everything...or and of course the normal bout of anxiety with Aid. YIPEE!!!
I welcome Monday with really exhausted arms.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Bri and I have to make a pretty big decision, and it's a really hard one to deal with; but apparently I think it's the best one. I want to think that I am big enough to do this, to make certain things better...but I am not sure I am as strong as I think I am. It's a scary move but at some point we will have to just take a leap of faith...and do it!
Have you ever had to do something REALLY hard in your life? AND by hard I mean something you DONT want to do, under any circumstance but it's better for all NOW and will be better in the long run.
It's Friday and I don't really look forward to the weekends anymore, because the rest of our life is in such flux. I want to believe I can truly find happiness again in our life as a family, but in order to do that I will need to sacrifice some things that are comforts to me. NOT to mention, lately I am like a ticking time bomb and it's not good for anyone, Brian on the other hand is that bomb that's already exploded. I can only keep it together for so long. I am ANGRY at my kids more often than normal, I can't keep me cool at home or in the office, I can't stand my husband most of the time (but I love him very much), and I constantly feel like people just want things from me. On a lighter note...
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! That I did not put a damper on your day with my honesty! HA
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Cindy Lauper said it right! The only way you can REALLY be friends with someone, is if you truly know them inside and out. Give it to me straight, I like the real deal people, can't deal with the phonies and want to be just me, when I am with you. You know, true colors...I feel like there have been WAY too many times in my life I tried to be someone I was not, and then all of a sudden woke up and was like I don't like this person; due in part to the fact that the person was clearly NOT me!
Had a great time with a dear friend, and am so hung over it's not even funny!It was worth every sip:)
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Everyone has a different depiction of success. Some define success on a monetary way, some on their happiness; some define it in both ways. I would like to think that I define it in BOTH ways, but lean more towards happiness. I want to believe that I lean more towards happiness anyway. Who wants to be the asshole who thinks or knows they made it, just because they have a lot of money? NOT this girl!
BUT really, in America I am sure happiness is defined MORE by monetary means. Clearly that would make the most sense because when you have more money, you can do more things...when you can do more things, you are happier. When you can spend more on things and people that you are happier. BUT then again, putting the emphasis on THINGS is not exactly right either. So that when you DONT have them, you feel, well, less happy.
Today is Wed. I have a good friend in visiting from LA and plan to have many a cocks with her tonight!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Why is it that some people have luck like no other! LIKE something goes down, but then in the always works out. AND when I mean it always works out, like even works out in their favor! WTF is that about, clearly if you could not tell already I am not one of those people. Does it make me a stronger more compassionate person? YES! Does it make me realize how amazing it is when things DO go my way? YES! Does it make me want to strangle the life out of myself sometimes because my luck always does go in the other direction; or I should say in most cases? YES! Some guys (and girls), have all the luck.
I want that to change, I want to control my own destiny (if that's even possible). Or do people just say that when good things happen to them in the end, because they feel like they might have had something to do with it? OR rather something good happens and they know they had everything to do with they then say it's just luck. WHATEVER it is, it's not in my party zone so I HATE you people out there that it always happens to! Like for real FUCK YOU!
On a lighter note, it's not 100 degrees in NYC so that's good.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Sometimes I feel like a washing machine...going around and around and around, sometimes I come out clean. Then at other times I feel like a dirty, wet rag. Sometimes I am wash, rinse, repeat. Sounds lovely right?
At one point will I feel like I can go into the dryer? Feel all pressed and ready to go? AND will I ever feel that way? There's always something and there always will be, so does that mean I am destined to be in the washing machine and never in the dryer?
So how was everyone's weekend? Does anyone ever have like GREAT weekends anymore? Or does everyone else feel like they go so fast and are packed in with SO much shit, they just become days that you don't have to work? I LOVE spending time with the kids, sometimes my man, and of course my friends..but it goes by so fast I don't really know what to do! How selfish does that sound that I need like this AMAZING weekend for it to count? That's so fucked up! UGH's Monday, I am hope with fever; and generally in a bad mood.
Friday, July 19, 2013
and clearly that's not something that happens often! I am SO proud of our president today, I really, really am. It was such a deeply personal speech, one that was NOT planned, NOT scripted, just from the heart. He gave it to everyone straight, honestly, and went right to the point. I am SO SO SO proud of our President today.
EVEN if you are not a democrat, even if you are NOT pro Obama these are just realities in the world today. You can do all the right things, speak well, have money, be THAT person and you can STILL experience racism no matter what. You MUST, MUST, MUST review this link and understand we still live in a very divided world. I hope that my kids and my friends kids can change that notion; and do so in a way that we can at some point, live more harmoniously.
I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
I think that Mr. Rogers had it all right, and we have it all wrong. Can't every day be beautiful in some way? Even the hard parts of the morning? I don't know if I buy it though, because my mornings are full on SHIT shows; EACH and every day! Rarely do I get up and everything just kind of fall into place. Someone is always screaming, crying, hungry, annoying, etc. I also get my work out in, but it's a challenge to make it happen in a relaxing environment; on TOP of my husband pretty much sleep walking while assisting me with just about everything. So it is really a beautiful day in this neighborhood? HELL NO!
So it's Thursday, always my fav. day of the week. It's not Friday yet so I am not worried about the weekend flying by too fast...but it's not Wed. either so the weeks pretty much over. As you get older the weeks and weekends all blend together, the weekends don't really stand out the way that they use to; I don't get that JOY that comes along with having 2 days off. I just get 2 screaming kids, 6 year old birthday parties, car trips to everywhere outside of NYC; OR and the joys of parents wanting you to come see them, b/c they will never come to you! Sounds lovely doesn't it?
I had a drink last night with an editor I really like, and we happened to be sitting next to a couple that clearly had just started dating. SHE was a train wreck in the flesh and he clearly just wanted to get some good head, b/c she was a nightmare to listen to if you know what I mean. I think he probably though, if she's blowing me she can't talk at the same time so I am golden! In any event, it was the strangest thing ever watching them "date." They held hand at the table, which I have NEVER done ever with Brian. Not that we are the poster for the best relationship but you feel me? She proceeded to sing versus of songs that she likes at some festival that she went to; AND she had THE worse nose job ever. WHICH is so horrible for me to even say, b/c I would never focus on someone's looks who was not annoying:) Bottom line is it helped seal the deal for me and for my editor friend, who has been seriously dating someone now for about a year. AND for me, just made me realize how much it really sucks to have to date, in NYC. You would think it would be the mecca for hot dates and great people, but really I don't think that's the case.
Here's to a GREAT Thursday!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
WAIT one moment, I am dying right now. There is a new show on FOX called, "The Real" and it's EXACTLY what I have been talking about! It's literally my "come to jesus" moment, it's literally MY BOOK! I sent this to my agent last night, just so she knew the market was alive and kicking!! People really do want to know what goes on, how it goes on and want you to give it to them straight! Makes me happy!
So it's Wed. today. I plan to have lunch with one of my besties from HS (she's in NYC for the day), have some cocks, talk about people, and then be happy with the fact that it's hump day! That means the weekend is near (even though all days blur together when you have a business and 2 kids), just sounds better!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
I have come to the conclusion that the new show "Long Island Princesses" is just another version of what it's like to live in areas, better known as the tri-state area. There are "versions" of these girls pretty much everywhere. Some in NYC, some in Long Island, some in NJ, etc. Although there's some variation, they are pretty much all one in the same. I knew a few myself growing up, they maybe just had a little more money but about the same amount of class. Princesses of another origin I would say, and I don't mean the royal kind!
What is it about those types of girls that people love to hate? AND why is it that so many of them find each other and then just multiply? HOW do they have friends, husbands, lives when they are just AWFUL all the way around? It's like generation after generation procreating and creating these types over and over again.
How do people think less of people, b/c they don't have what they have, they don't have the same amount of money, or the giant house, or the parents with insane jobs; etc. They don't have "summer" houses or private planes, or million dollar apts in NYC. Clearly any smart individual knows all of that stuff makes NO difference in the end.
As I get older, and have my own family...and work on installing appropriate values in my children I am working towards making sure my kids DO NOT act that way. That they are clear it's not about WHAT they have it's about WHO they are, and I want them to be good, kind, loving people. That other portion of society need not knock on my door!
Here's to a "Terrible Tuesday!"
Monday, July 15, 2013
I don't want to be that "angry black woman", and clearly don't want to be depicted as someone who can't understand other peoples views...but this one, this whole entire world has to be SHOCKED by the Trayvon Martin case. I can't imagine being a human being, a mother and a minority that it has not shaken up an entire country. The outcome is really mind boggling, not only did he not get convicted (some may argue not enough evidence) but he did not get charged with ANYTHING at all which is just amazing to me. Today in America it seems like a whole hell of a lot of red, white and bullshit to me!
WAIT and can PLEASE discuss how when you said to people race in america does not really matter as much anymore, we have a Black president...I want to say, that SO many people are against for just that one reason. I have 0 tolerance for people who cannot accept people for who they are not what they are; and there are just too many haters out there, still. I want to believe I can hear others opinions and views, but at the same time what if I think their views are STUPID. AND more importantly why don't THEY think their views are stupid? HOW can they in good faith, feel that way? I have a hard time with that, and that's not saying only my views are views are just liberal and yours are not. AND THAT I have a problem with. Can we all just get along? It's weird I feel like race is playing such a larger role in todays society, more so than I have in a long time. I fear for my brother who is a Black man living in this society, I fear for my children who are of mixed race, I fear for myself b/c I am out spoken and Black and well in this world that's forever a problem. I fear for those who are taught to hate, I pray for those who are not.
Today is Monday and I am feeling it something fierce, given the climate of the world at this moment.
We all need to take a moment and think about what that family has to go through, and any other family who was not served justice. Because in the end you never know, that could be you up there...or someone that you love.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Everyone needs a moment away from those they love. It's integral for relationships to survive, to take time for yourself and "recharge." I had a great evening with 2 best friends, while the kids and Brian spent the night at his parents; while attending his 20 year high school reunion. We drank, we ate, we chatted, we laughed...we had THE best time!
I am thankful for my friends, the rocks I lean on when everyone else defeats me. When I can't breathe anymore and need a moment, when I need advice, love or just someone to REALLY talk to they are my life-line. It's Sunday afternoon and I am working on the final pieces of my book proposal to send along, sitting on my bed writing this, TV on, no kids crying no one calling my name. I have cleaned the entire house, did laundry, washed all the slip covers, all the bedding, cleaned the kids toys and threw crap away. I could go on and on and's amazing what you can do with no kids and no man. I would not change my life for ANYTHING, but it's nice to have a moment to think!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, another week is about to begin. Wonder what it's going to be like? :)
Friday, July 12, 2013
SERIOUSLY WTF is wrong with people?!?1!?1 WHY do people want to see other people, but only on their terms? When it works for them, where it works for them, and HOW it works for them? You know what I am going to say? I am going to say then really they don't want to see you that badly ANYway! I can't STAND people like that, and unfortunately for me...I know too many girls like that; but ones that I HAVE to be friends (guilt by association) if you know what I mean! I MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH, BUT CAN YOU COME TO ME SO THAT WE CAN SEE EACH OTHER? EEEEFFF YOU!
Do you have any friends like that? Friends you actually like as people (for the most part) but they just can't go that extra mile? Then you think it's always the strange ones, the ones that don't have THAT many girlfriends to begin with. OR the ones who have weird friends, not the good kind. Listen have I always been the best friend? Maybe not. DO I try my best most times? Yes. I hope that my friends feel like I would and do go that extra mile to be with them, to be friends with them; because relationships take effort on both sides.
Well, it's Friday and let tell you it could not come at a better time. I have had one FUCKED up week, and can use about 50 cocks at the moment (as in cocktails), although the former doesn't sound so bad either! HA
Thursday, July 11, 2013
What is it about people where they feel compelled to ask you if you are going to have a third child, simply because you have 2 of the same sex? Why can't you have the same sex and be satisfied?
Just food for thought...for today. I have a brother and have 2 girls, so I feel like I have it all:)
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Today I feel paralyzed. We had a situation at home yesterday that's left me feeling just not right. I am have such a pit in my belly, that it is hard to concentrate on anything more than, that! My little Aid is stuggling, I want to strangle my nanny and my little one can't stop hitting people...WTF!!!
Well today is Wed. and I should feel good about the upcoming weekend. I have no kids, no man, just booze and friends:) I have a free night in NYC to myself AND I am still totally down in the dumps. I feel like Debbie downer today as I write this but you know I lay it all out on the table, so this should be no different.
I realized today that at the end of the day, my kids are my TOP priority. They are the ones that make me get up the morning and the ones I think about when I go to bed at night. It's hard to understand that until you have it, it's like I could live without my man (not that I want to but I COULD), but could NOT live without my kids. They are my heart walking around outside my body, and I just can't breathe when something's not right.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
I have to take a moment to talk about how blessed I feel, that I have 2 healthy children. It's just about every day that I hear about another child who is sick, or born compromised in some way; and I have to remember how lucky I am that I am not in that position with my own children. When I say that I don't want anyone to think there is something wrong with having a special child, just the are just extraordinary people, that's how I see it.
This is an entirely new area for me, meds and kids...AND if it is the right or wrong thing to do. My first inclination like everything else in my life, is to say that there is a reason for everything. That if someone needs meds there's nothing wrong with that, and if they don't then that's fine too. I feel like it's there for a reason and if it can help someone feel better about themselves, less anxious, more positive, etc. it's worth a try. I am dealing with that in my own home with my 7 year old daughter, who is shows signs of anxiety. We are of course already in great hands doing cognitive therapy, but at a point where that may be something we look into. I hope she does not read this in 10 years and kill me for talking about, but you know I feel like no subject can really be left unturned.
Wondering how many people are going through the same things, and why so many kids today are so anxious? The societal pressures have to be at an all-time high (I would imagine), and all of the technological advancements have to attribute to some of it too. I am holding hope that we can get through this difficult time with Aiden, but more importantly we just want her to feel better.
Kinda blue today on a "Terrible Tuesday", hope you are having a better day than me.
Monday, July 8, 2013
You know what I mean? It's hard telling people that what they think is possible is not possible. OR to even let them know that some things can't happen, b/c they are not at that stage in their business. I hate to say it, but really managing people's expectations sometimes is like picking up your dogs shit. It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it! I happen to be the person that's GOTTA DO IT!
In my case, I would always rather someone be up front re: what's possible, b/c then I don't have any false expectations. This way you have a starting point and focus on the things that ARE possible. I guess that's true for any business relationship...sometimes I love what I do, actually I for the most part always love what I do...but don't always love managing clients, who's expectations are greater than the brands capability.
Did everyone have a nice 4th? I did...and now I miss my kids who are home with my nanny, want to kill everyone at work (not anyone who is actually a part of B' squared PR), and loathe the fact that it's 100 degrees in NYC; AND the summer is almost over.
Lovely right?
Friday, July 5, 2013
HOW many people really believe in astrology? AND if you do believe in it, how much of it really holds true? My horoscope says...
I am a firm believer in astrology so much so that it's tattooed on my wrist, but I have not quite decided if I am one that believes in the day to day, or just the bigger picture when it comes to your "sign." I would hope that most of what Susan Miller says is true, and I do find that her monthly prediction are RIGHT on par with what's going on with me...but at the same time, I look to it for the day to day, and that's not always on point. BUT then I think to myself how on earth could it be, not every thing can apply to every one.
On a much less philosophical note...I hope everyone had a great 4th. I am so not a summer person, you have to show your body all the time, it's hot and it's like your entire being is swollen. I am for SURE an fall/winter person more than anything else; HOWEVER, I love spending time with friends and family, love BBQ, and I love (buy my body does not) all the summer drinking.
Enjoy the rest of your long weekend, and we will chat soon!
PS: My horoscope looks like a GOOD one this month, will let you know how it goes!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
I think to myself, we have this great idea why can't we just get it going?!?!?! It wish it was that easy, I really do. I sometimes think to myself can't I just find someone to execute and I can get the credit for the idea? (as insane as they may sound), I want to delegate what I need people to do and then can't we just do it??
It's Wed. today, and the rest of the week we are closed for the 4th of July holiday. I want to enjoy the weekend I really do...but at the same time, I can't rest when I know I have so much going on at my office! I know I have a job to do, I have demands to meet and I just can't seem to let it go even for a few days. I can't cut myself off and I wish I was that person, SO often! Those people who can really distance themselves from everything and enjoy. I worry, panic, all internally when people would have no idea...mulling over the things that I need to get done.
In any event, Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone. I hope you spend it with family or friends (or both), and have some time to enjoy life. At the end of the day, life is short so you gotta make the most of the time you have!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I am learning something from "Princesses in Long Island", that you CAN judge a a book by it's cover. OYE!
Why is it that people feel like they are elitist? Why do they think if they went to Brown vs. Michigan or GW vs. Georgetown makes you a BETTER person, a BIGGER person, a more IMPORTANT person? It's super cool that's that is where you long as you are not a DOUCHE about it! Elitist, yeah that's you! EFF YOU!
It's typically YOU that we talk about when you turn around, it's YOU that we always make fun of b/c you think your shit does not stink; and it's DEF. you the guys want to walk away from when they are stuck talking to you at a bar. You are THAT person, and as a girl I can say's always WORSE when it is a girl like that over a dude.
Thankfully, I don't have many friends like that but unfortunately there are many people like that in my industry. It's fine, you literally just grin and bare it, try to move on, and then make fun of them when they leave your office.'s the end of "Terrible Tuesday" THANK THE FUCKING LORD, I am very ready for hump day. AND that also means it's the beginning of a Holiday weekend. Is it weird that I am already anticipating the end of it, and it has yet to begin? Well at least my July horoscope ( is KICKIN!
Until tomorrow...
I am just realizing that it is not possible to be everything, to everyone. And as much as you want to give equal time to everything, it's just not even possible! I hate to admit that I do, me out of anyone...because that means I have failed in some way with someone, but it is what it is. I want to give the most I can possibly every one.
It is...what it is...on Terrible Tuesday!
Monday, July 1, 2013
YOU FILL IN THE BLANKS IF YOU CAN! Why is it that someone with NO unique personality, other than copying some of Miley Cyrus's looks, can have a blog that's so successful; brands turn to her for style advice? I don't want to be a nay-sayer b/c I blog myself and who am I from Adam? BUT I don't claim to be anything that I am not, and I don't get paid (unfortunately) for my opinions; that may or may not suit other people! AND there are so many people that do what that girl does she just happen to market herself better. DO you think that she knows that? Do you think she knows anyone can really duplicate what she is doing and do it probably just as well?
I am angry about it for no reason, other than people have been dressing like that for just got it going at the right time, right place.
It's July 1st, time for a new month with new fucking problems!
I try to tell Brian to stop thinking negatively about the things that he does NOT have, and to start thinking about all the amazing things he has. I feel like if you don't do that at some point in your life, you end up resentful, unfulfilled and miserable. I try to say this at some point, on most days, " I am thankful I am fortunate."
When bad things happen to good people and even when bad things happen to bad people you want to take a deep breath for them. I don't wish that on anyone, not ONE single person.
I have a friend who is going through some things at the moment, and my mom always says, "God doesn't give us what we can't handle." If you read my blog often, you know that I am pretty atheist. WELL not, NOT believing in some higher power but I am certainly not a religious person. In a weird way, I believe that what my mom says is true; and that truth helps comfort me in some ways, as strange as that may sound for someone like me. There are those people who can really handle unfortunate circumstances and those who cannot, and it is quite clear how strong those people are...when it does happen.
Today I want everyone to take a moment and be thankful for what they have, not what they don't have. To take a deep breath and say I will get through this (whatever it may be), and know we all suffer in some way, in life.
To a great Monday!
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