Wednesday, January 30, 2013


WHEN YOU RUN THROUGH A YELLOW LIGHT! Is there any truth to things like that? You know the throw salt over your left shoulder, lift your legs over the railroad tracks when passing? I don't know...those things that people hold onto, to get over things,to make things go away, have answers and reasons for crappy things happening to them or people that they love. I think we all need those things in order to get by, to make it feel like if we do that we escape the dark unknown. That we in some way avoided something bad that might have happened. That in doing those things we escape something bad by lifting our legs over the railroad tracks. The funny thing is once you reach a certain age you no longer do those things. You no longer lift your legs over the tracks, look for yellow lights to speed your car to barely make it; just so that you can kiss the sky! The question is why? Why do we no longer think those results would change the outcome? Or so we simply lost our sense of imagination? I miss being that carefree girl who used to do that. The girl that could turn on a song and feel better just listening to the lyrics. The girl who would get through anything bad, by just listening to the lyrics of a Billy Joel song. I miss staring out the window like a bad video and crying my eyes out, but somehow feeling better after I did that. Turing on UB40 after spending hours in my rooms trying on outfits I would never wear. Now everything is so literal, so honest and so...well...THERE. Some food for thought. Night Night! XOXO BTC

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