Monday, January 14, 2013


Let me state for the record, that I LOVE LOVE LOVE living in NYC! There is literally nothing like other state, no other city, it's just BEYOND amazing. The things I can do with my kids, for myself, with my man, with my friends are not like ANY other...and for that I feel truly blessed! HOWEVER.... At times I do want to throw myself out of a window, having kids and living in an apt. Like you, most of manhattan live in apts, so they have the same issues that we do; but that does not make things any easier that's for sure; and sometimes (like in the winter) you do end up getting a little stir crazy! We are also lucky to have both of our extended families near by, so we are able to get away whenever we need to and want to! None the less, when you have your 2 year screaming away at your 6 year old...and you know the entire world can FULLY hear you, you do want to crawl up into a ball and die. SO, that was my weekend how was yours? XOXO BTC

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