SO a topic I hate to love...strangely one I just don't fully understand.
I know there is a great divide about this issue, and just like religion, party choice, etc. it's kinda taboo, but at the same time we are talking about putting non-vaccinated babies (who WILL be vaccinated) at risk in the interim, so I feel compelled to talk about it! AND if I can't talk about it on my blog, where can I talk about it? I am trying to be open minded about the different opinions re: this subject but my dr, said something that really hit home for me...
"Beth those kids who are not vaccinated are in reality, walking parasites!" OYE to the VEY is all I have to say! When you put it in that perspective it makes it much more real to me! She also mentioned of course that taking Lila into public places until she is at least partially vaccinated is a definite NO, and that if we know we could put her in harms way, why would we want to? All good points. I trust Aiden's pediatrician's with every part of my being and value their opinions, suggestions and then some.
So, after it was proven that vaccines do NOT in fact lead to some of the causes people thought they did, what do you do if it's too late to vaccinate your child? Can you imagine all of the things that go on in college let's say and not being protected against any of that? OR being SO angry at your parents for making that kind of decision for you when you were to young to make it yourself? I don't know, I know it's more complicated than that, but for me it's just so simple...vaccinate your child, BASTA!
Let's see....POST birth, I had a giant disgusting blood clot that when I stood up I literally felt a rush, ran to the b-room and out it came. I screamed for Brian b/c honestly I have never in my life seen such a thing. AH the lovely post birth situations...you are not pregnant for 9 months, it's seriously more like 2 GODDAMN YEARS!!
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