How do you explain to people, OR rather why is it necessary to explain to people that after having a baby,the last thing on fucking earth you want to entertain! WHETHER or not they think you will have to, in the end you will. There are VERY few people that you can really count when coming over, that they will bring something and hang with you, but make your life easier. I would have to say other than my mom there are very few people I would not consider "company". I am SO type A that if people are in my house I feel compelled to do things. I guess I need help understanding why people would even think I would want them over at this point 1 week post baby?
Let's just discuss the obvious for a second. You feel and look like TOTAL SHIT for at least the first few weeks post birth. I don't care how GORGEOUS you normally are..things just are not what they used to be and are not in the places where they used to be. You are bleeding for literally like a month straight, wearing full on diapers and your Grandmother's underwear; why would you want everyone coming over, looking at your not yet immunized child, while you stand there looking anything other than your very best??!!? See, that's the thing it seems so common sense to me, but I guess realistically people just don't really get it. WELL I am here to say if I want you there believe me you, you will know; if I don't PLEASE for the love of God do not ask. I am fine with, "when you are ready to have visitors let me know". That makes perfect sense and it's nice to know people want to meet the new addition. EUREKA! I think my biggest issue with this is the fact that even after my first kid and knowing what it was like for me, the same freaking people annoy me all over again! Funny how that shit happens.
My husband agrees at times but disagrees at others, BUT of course that should be the case as he is and looks the exact same as before Lila was born; NOT to mention he did not push something out of his vagina with the war wounds to prove it! I understand that in some ways he just won't get it and in others he does. He has been great about fielding the calls and making sure I don't feel crazed but there is only so much he can do.
So, here I am sitting on my bed with INCREDIBLY SWOLLEN FEET (story for another time) in my robe, not showered and TOTALLY exhausted; about to pump for the 90th time today...wanting everyone (but a couple of key people) to leave me the hell alone for a couple of weeks. When I am ready I will find you.
OH and holy moly 2 is certainly not one, BUUT I would not have it any other way Lila is just simply perfect!
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