Everyone always said having 2 is going to be CRAZY, that you think you have no time now...just wait! Honestly, it's EASIER than the first time around that's for shit sure. I don't have my head up my ass and Brian only has his head partially up his own ass!
We did go from zone defense to a more man to man approach, but I have to say I will try and diligently tell people it's easier the 2nd time around just a bit more nuts!
Today is Halloween, the shitiest holiday on the face of this planet. I always hated it, as a kid, in college and now as an adult. I honestly don't see the point of it, not for anyone...even the kids. It's annoying to have to deal with the costumes, they go nuts for the candy and then you are left with bartering..."if you are you are big girl you can have a piece of candy", I mean how F__G unproductive!?!?!?
The little one will be a Lamb (Aiden's old costume) while Aiden is Cinderella (she was snow-white as of Thurs. but apparently that has changed). I hope you all have a wonderful day...kids or not, I am ready to move onto Thanksgiving...now THAT'S a holiday!