I am convinced half the reason you don't remember everything from one pregnancy to the next...is so that you do in fact do it again! You THINK you will remember it all just like riding a bike....I mean on some level it is like riding a bike, but on a whole other level there are things you thankfully forget. Gearing up for this birth," It's all coming back to me now..." Celine D.
As I pack my bag and organize the crazy chaos at home, I see how much shit I really need. Brian and I (and Nana Thomas) made several trips to the store to grab some last minute necessities. Each time we go back we remember more things we need. I mean, I was planning on using the same membranes from my last pump, I guess that's not totally kosher or sanitary for that matter? :) All the gear we carried over from Aiden (and that is a lot) on top of the things that my amazing mother has supplied (we would be screwed without her) make us feel like we are "somewhat" on our A GAME; BUT jesus christ...all the toiletries and crap, ugh what a total pain in the ass. Like a diaper genie, do we HAVE to have that? Did we have that with Aiden? Yes. Do we need everything that we had the 1st time? I am gonna say not:)
Let's talk about the "Bag Packing" por moi. I opted out of snacks and sucking candies probably because I live in NYC and you can literally get anything that you want, at anytime, from any corner...and concentrated on the pillow, giant maxi-pads and slipper situation. That's a shit show in itself, I don't remember how much or how little I wore when I was there, considering I was barely there for 36 hours. We put the car-seat in the car over the weekend which of course made our large car look even smaller! I know we are ALL feeling a bit anxious.
Now that fashion week and post showing B' squared PR clients is over, I feel like I can have the kid. I was so worried about missing any of that that I think I held the baby in during that time period. I think given that the contractions are now coming on and off every 20 minutes, it can't be long. I can't wait for her to come but at the same time I know the train wreck about to occur. It's not all peaches and cream for AT LEAST the first 3 months....the first 3 months ABSOLUTELY SUCKS ASS!!!
Have a great Sunday, hoping you are having a bloody mary or mimosa for me:(
OH and PS! Still have dia...they took a Listeria test last week but I mean really...WTF, I am so over this "SHIT!!!"
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