I am not sure who takes care of who anymore, we seem to be so intertwined...but I am so incredibly thankful to have my mom.
I was watching a commercial today about kids and their grandparents. Aiden's relationship with her nana is EVERYTHING I had ever hoped it would be. They are THE best of friends. When we are at my mom's she does not leave my mom's side. They play dress up, they go outside and make acorn soup, they paint, they watch movies together, they do the dishes together (Aiden's activity choice), they cook together. I mean it's THE most amazing thing ever! I never knew a relationship in theory could be like the one I have with my own mom. The other day my mom said, "sometimes I forget she's not mine." In truth, she kind of is. She is JUST like me in every sense of the word, sensitive like Brian but everything else is me! I love watching them together, seeing how much they love each other and how much of the way I learned to parent, came from my mom. I attribute Aiden's manners, way about her, etc. to the way I was taught/parented.
I wanted to write a post about this, because I feel very lucky to have my mom as the most important support system. I can talk to her about anything and everything, there is no obstacle we can't hurdle. I can ask her for LITERALLY anything and she always says yes. There is nothing she would not do for us, at anytime at any place. She is available to talk at anytime day or night...she is our "go to" for all. I am not sure what I would do without her, but really in truth...I don't know what Aiden would do without her. She is her "NANA" and no one in the world could replace her, not even me.
Thank you mom for helping me raise such an amazing kid, I could not do it without you. You are by far her 2nd Mother (at times I think her 1st:)...which means there's no way she could not turn out to be THE most amazing kid! You are her best friend as you are mine, she would be lost without her nana!
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