No I am not in labor, although with all of the pressure going on down there...I might as well be. IT is now that time when you see the dr. every 2 weeks and then every week until the baby comes. In other words, totally and completely inconvienent! However, I used this Labor Day to do many things I have said I needed to do, but have not...
We finally got the dresser for the lil one, washed all the baby clothing, got all Aiden's gifts for her bday this week, organized her bday parties, and then some. All while my computer is at the doctor for some unknown reason...for a million dollars. So I have been out of touch, but secretely loving it? So not me, but extremely liberating. We have now finally settled on a name, that I we thought we had settled on before I ruffled the feathers. We are now back to that's complete too. So why do I feel so incomplete? This whole "nesting thing" is even more annoying when you don't want to spend company money on things or personal on peronal things. I MUST have this child in October, far too many things already going on. I need one obligation next month so I don't feel like I could jump off a bridge, NOT to mention technically, this baby could come anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks, scary! Def. brings a whole new meaning to Labor Day! We had a lovely weekend with one of my best childhood friends who was in town with his 2 little boys and amazing wife. Just weird not being able to enjoy a good beer with them, or continue the evening with drinks...but hey, there's always next year right?
Everything feels a bit incomplete at the moment. Have so many things to do at the office, but at 9 months pregnant who has the energy? I mean I guess you can say that I do, because we get it all done, but...things to do at home in preperation for the baby, gearing up for Aiden to start school, her bday parties, just can't really cross any of those things off my list. AND really, everyone talks about 2 being so much harder than one, but WTF no one talks about preparing for 2 when you already have one. That is such a BITCH most of the time. Between bending down and bathing, getting dressed, outings, etc. it's a hard damn thing to do while pregnant. EVEN with a really easy, great kid...I still feel like I tell her to pick things up all the time, get that, put that away simply because I can't! How awful. I actually feel guilty putting her to work, but at the same time that God she is at an age where she can help:)
How randomw is this post, a true reflection of the chaos that is going on in my head the moment...oh and who are the God parents going to be? We have one but not the other, should't that be an easy decision? It was last time...UGH I feel like my brain is fighting with itself...must go before I explode!
Happy LABOR DAY! Celebrate everyone that makes living in Amercia possible...and thank the LORD I am not IN Labor on Labor Day! HOLLA!!
PS: Onto the Jewish Holidays, let's pray nothing happens while celebrating that too!