Thursday, September 30, 2010


My best friend Dana had her baby boy today, Samuel Benjamin Berk....awwww love him already. NOT much else to say, this day is devoted to him!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am convinced half the reason you don't remember everything from one pregnancy to the so that you do in fact do it again! You THINK you will remember it all just like riding a bike....I mean on some level it is like riding a bike, but on a whole other level there are things you thankfully forget. Gearing up for this birth," It's all coming back to me now..." Celine D.

As I pack my bag and organize the crazy chaos at home, I see how much shit I really need. Brian and I (and Nana Thomas) made several trips to the store to grab some last minute necessities. Each time we go back we remember more things we need. I mean, I was planning on using the same membranes from my last pump, I guess that's not totally kosher or sanitary for that matter? :) All the gear we carried over from Aiden (and that is a lot) on top of the things that my amazing mother has supplied (we would be screwed without her) make us feel like we are "somewhat" on our A GAME; BUT jesus christ...all the toiletries and crap, ugh what a total pain in the ass. Like a diaper genie, do we HAVE to have that? Did we have that with Aiden? Yes. Do we need everything that we had the 1st time? I am gonna say not:)

Let's talk about the "Bag Packing" por moi. I opted out of snacks and sucking candies probably because I live in NYC and you can literally get anything that you want, at anytime, from any corner...and concentrated on the pillow, giant maxi-pads and slipper situation. That's a shit show in itself, I don't remember how much or how little I wore when I was there, considering I was barely there for 36 hours. We put the car-seat in the car over the weekend which of course made our large car look even smaller! I know we are ALL feeling a bit anxious.

Now that fashion week and post showing B' squared PR clients is over, I feel like I can have the kid. I was so worried about missing any of that that I think I held the baby in during that time period. I think given that the contractions are now coming on and off every 20 minutes, it can't be long. I can't wait for her to come but at the same time I know the train wreck about to occur. It's not all peaches and cream for AT LEAST the first 3 months....the first 3 months ABSOLUTELY SUCKS ASS!!!

Have a great Sunday, hoping you are having a bloody mary or mimosa for me:(

OH and PS! Still have dia...they took a Listeria test last week but I mean really...WTF, I am so over this "SHIT!!!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am not sure who takes care of who anymore, we seem to be so intertwined...but I am so incredibly thankful to have my mom.

I was watching a commercial today about kids and their grandparents. Aiden's relationship with her nana is EVERYTHING I had ever hoped it would be. They are THE best of friends. When we are at my mom's she does not leave my mom's side. They play dress up, they go outside and make acorn soup, they paint, they watch movies together, they do the dishes together (Aiden's activity choice), they cook together. I mean it's THE most amazing thing ever! I never knew a relationship in theory could be like the one I have with my own mom. The other day my mom said, "sometimes I forget she's not mine." In truth, she kind of is. She is JUST like me in every sense of the word, sensitive like Brian but everything else is me! I love watching them together, seeing how much they love each other and how much of the way I learned to parent, came from my mom. I attribute Aiden's manners, way about her, etc. to the way I was taught/parented.

I wanted to write a post about this, because I feel very lucky to have my mom as the most important support system. I can talk to her about anything and everything, there is no obstacle we can't hurdle. I can ask her for LITERALLY anything and she always says yes. There is nothing she would not do for us, at anytime at any place. She is available to talk at anytime day or night...she is our "go to" for all. I am not sure what I would do without her, but really in truth...I don't know what Aiden would do without her. She is her "NANA" and no one in the world could replace her, not even me.

Thank you mom for helping me raise such an amazing kid, I could not do it without you. You are by far her 2nd Mother (at times I think her 1st:)...which means there's no way she could not turn out to be THE most amazing kid! You are her best friend as you are mine, she would be lost without her nana!

Monday, September 20, 2010



Friday, September 17, 2010

NYC Pediatrician's...almost easier to get into FORT KNOX!

In NYC everything is just harder. Doing things takes more time, people are more aggressive and the idea that your child can't just walk into an office and see a dr. (even when you have the appropriate insurance) is just kinda insane. For the past 4 years, Aiden has gone to a FANTASTIC practice and to a pediatrician that we love! HOWEVER, we do pay out of pocket when we have perfectly fine insurance. What is the reason for the insurance if we don't even use it? Ugh...In any event, now with this new one coming any moment we talked about putting them both in a practice with a dr. that takes our insurance. Seems quite logical, sad to be leaving the amazing dr.'s we see now, but...def. doable; or so I THOUGHT!

There I am at my wonderful OBGYN's office getting referrals for peds. I find an office on the UES and speak to a semi-lovely front desker named (let's call her Sassy). I inquire about a Dr. to be Aiden's new dr. and the new babies dr. as well. She fires back, "As of today (no for real the day I called) we are no longer accepting new patients." I almost shit myself. I said ok, there are 5 doctors FIVE in your practice and not one is taking on new patients? WTF is that about? Why have a practice of that size, and not take on new patients...and had I called last week (I asked) then this would not be a problem? She (the idiot that she is) said, "Yes as of today that is the case." She was dead serious. I made some calls to see if they could make an exception...and was relieved to find out that they would!

I then call the pediatrician back a few days later, and the same semi-lovely Sassy took all of my information down, and said she would check with the dr. to make sure she would take on new patients and get back to me (after I told her that my dr. already talked to her), but whatever. In any event she calls me back and says, "Sorry (let's call her Dr. Rosie) is not taking on any new patients. UM who the FUCK is Dr. Rosie? That's not the person I inquired about NOR the person that my dr. called for me. Sassy THEN called me back and I said just that...I said I was asking about (let's call her Dr.Nasty), she then had to go, talk to Dr. Nasty and call me back AGAIN! When she called back this is what she said, "Hi I talked to Dr. Nasty she is happy to take on the newborn but not your 4 year old." I then said, "I am sorry I don't quite understand, I am to see 2 different pediatrician's because she wants to AGE discriminate? WTF Aiden goes to the dr. like never at the moment, and she won't take on both my kids?" She then said, "Sorry she just won't take them both on right now." My answer..."Ok well can I please at least meet her considering she will be seeing one of my children?" Sassy then replied, "Sorry the dr.'s don't meet with potential patients/parents they just don't work that way." I say, "Um what do you mean? So I am to just have my new baby see a dr. that I have not even met? Oh ok, well she comes to the hospital when the baby is born right?" Sassy, "Um no we don't do that." OK I had HAD it by that time, I literally said to her, "OK well she can think about it like this...if I meet her and don't like her, then I am one less newborn she has to worry about...and I know she seems concerned with adding new patients. SO, with that said please let me know her my thoughts, thanks." SERIOUSLY WWWWWTTTTFFFF!!!

Note to everyone, NYC is great, the best, I LIVE...but shit like this about NYC makes me crazy..the burbs are looking MORE and more appealing by the damn moment!!!

Have a fabu weekend, if you are fasting for Yom Kippor I wish you an easy fast...I on the other hand cannot fast this year, so instead I am staying close to the hospital and shopping with my mom for last minute baby GEAR, HOLLA!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I can't even bring myself to do a full post on this subject because frankly even for's GROSS! BUT let's just say my tummy is having some major issues, and the dr. wants to make sure it's not some sort of bigger issue.

So there I am at 2AM in the morning making a mad dash for the potty, to then take a sample and bring it to my Dr.'s office today. I mean, most of you can tell I can talk about anything, do anything and even have quite a potty mouth...this on the other hand set me over the edge; it even pushed me over my limit! I just got to my office after dropping off poo to my dr. even they were grossed out by what I had to pass along. WHAT A SHIT SHOW!!!!!

In any event, these are the things we do to ensure everyone is healthy, but I have to tell you..I will forever remember my middle of the night activities for the rest of my life...and pray none of you have to scoop your own poo, into what looks like a glorified test tube!!!

Onto the next thing, market appointments with fashion editors...much more my speed!


Sunday, September 12, 2010


I am now at the point when every move the baby makes, COULD mean labor! The last week has been a bit hectic, between organizing all of our clients to show during fashion week, the Jewish Holidays, and finally Aiden's 4th birthday I wanted to blow my brains out!!! I have had a lot to juggle, plan and balance and I think my body said HOLD THE PHONE...between the dia and the contractions, a bit of swelling that I am certainly not use to, I have JUST about had it! It's amazing what your body is capable of handling, but at the same time I am amazed how it also tells you ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Aiden's little dress up, princess party with her little girlfriends on Sat, and I am SO thankful it went so well AND super thankful that it's O-V-E-R! Her little friends looked amazing in all of their gear, I just love every single one of them! What a fun age 4 is, pink lemonade and princess cakes...all the trimmings!

Managing expectations on all levels all the way around is a bit tiring and I am surely shot to shit! HOWEVER, the show must go on and if the baby appears during all of this (early like Aiden's delivery appearance) then so be it! I have to be prepared...which by the way I am still not. My husband asked why we have babies during football season, my feeling is why do we have babies during Fashion Week!!!

OYE to the VEY!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


It was 4 years ago today, I had Aiden Rae Cohen. I remember the day vividly, a day very much like today (gorgeous, 70's degrees). I had not had her quite yet (she was born at 4:58), but I was just getting to the hospital, for a very pleasant labor!
I have not much to say other than I love her more everyday and could not EVEN imagine my life without her. She is THE single best thing I have ever done, and the most perfect thing I have ever done! She is the best parts of me combined with the best parts of Brian. She is EVERYTHING I have ever wanted in a daughter and more, and I look forward to a lifetime of love and friendship with my little girl.

Happy Birthday Aiden Rae, you are the love of my life!
Love, your MAMA!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What is it about an OBGYN that we strangely hate to love? We NEED them to get us through probably the most pivotal time in our lives (the child bearing years); but at the same time we are also SO intrigued by what they do and at times question why! Well at least that's how I feel! After having an appointment today, I decided to give a "shout out" to all the Vag docs, GOD knows we could not do it without you!

My dr. (she will remain nameless for her own protection) is just perfect. Easy going, laid back, kind of the Mary Poppins meets Hillary Clinton? Super smart but serves a "spoon full of sugar that helps the medicine go down." A little bit of sweet with a lotta sass! No for real, she's great! I honestly give her credit for dealing with idiot first time mothers, that probably ask her the most ridiculous questions! Or literally have an organized birth plan when their baby still looks like a gummy bear on the monitor! I think they feel blessed when they get a pregnant person like me who curses non-stop, asks how far I can possibly stetch this so I don't have the kid in my office, and tells her if I were to EVER get to 40 weeks I would take the baby out myself! I feel comfortable asking when I have the internal exam (those you get again at the end of your pregnancy) so that I can prepare myself. Not sure it hurts for everyone, but when you are dilated and she puts some fingers up there, it's kinda like adding more pressure to an already shaken can of soda. I mean, I guess I would pretty much ask anyone, anything given my personality...but there's something about her that I just love! ROCK ON Dr. K! Not everyone is as cool as you. I once had a cooler than ice vagina doc, needless to say the idea of pot smoking while breast feeding was not a topic she was willing to hear!

AND let's briefly discuss all of the totally, beyond nasty reasons that you might not want to be a vajoooj doc, um the obvious ones? What goes on down there with the women that, ah em don't "take care" of their Va J J's. You know the ones I mean, and there HAS to be more out there...than not! UGH, does not take much to gross me out...but that certainly does...MOVE ON...

On a much lighter note...

Happy New Year to all of you the celebrate the Jewish Holidays (myself included) and if you don't....enjoy the days of less traffic and less crowded restaurants in NYC!
Until next time...

Monday, September 6, 2010

"LABOR" Day...

No I am not in labor, although with all of the pressure going on down there...I might as well be. IT is now that time when you see the dr. every 2 weeks and then every week until the baby comes. In other words, totally and completely inconvienent! However, I used this Labor Day to do many things I have said I needed to do, but have not...

We finally got the dresser for the lil one, washed all the baby clothing, got all Aiden's gifts for her bday this week, organized her bday parties, and then some. All while my computer is at the doctor for some unknown reason...for a million dollars. So I have been out of touch, but secretely loving it? So not me, but extremely liberating. We have now finally settled on a name, that I we thought we had settled on before I ruffled the feathers. We are now back to that's complete too. So why do I feel so incomplete? This whole "nesting thing" is even more annoying when you don't want to spend company money on things or personal on peronal things. I MUST have this child in October, far too many things already going on. I need one obligation next month so I don't feel like I could jump off a bridge, NOT to mention technically, this baby could come anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks, scary! Def. brings a whole new meaning to Labor Day! We had a lovely weekend with one of my best childhood friends who was in town with his 2 little boys and amazing wife. Just weird not being able to enjoy a good beer with them, or continue the evening with drinks...but hey, there's always next year right?

Everything feels a bit incomplete at the moment. Have so many things to do at the office, but at 9 months pregnant who has the energy? I mean I guess you can say that I do, because we get it all done, but...things to do at home in preperation for the baby, gearing up for Aiden to start school, her bday parties, just can't really cross any of those things off my list. AND really, everyone talks about 2 being so much harder than one, but WTF no one talks about preparing for 2 when you already have one. That is such a BITCH most of the time. Between bending down and bathing, getting dressed, outings, etc. it's a hard damn thing to do while pregnant. EVEN with a really easy, great kid...I still feel like I tell her to pick things up all the time, get that, put that away simply because I can't! How awful. I actually feel guilty putting her to work, but at the same time that God she is at an age where she can help:)

How randomw is this post, a true reflection of the chaos that is going on in my head the moment...oh and who are the God parents going to be? We have one but not the other, should't that be an easy decision? It was last time...UGH I feel like my brain is fighting with itself...must go before I explode!

Happy LABOR DAY! Celebrate everyone that makes living in Amercia possible...and thank the LORD I am not IN Labor on Labor Day! HOLLA!!


PS: Onto the Jewish Holidays, let's pray nothing happens while celebrating that too!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


SO, here we sit...8 years later celebrating our wedding anniversary today! We have been together for 14 so 8 seems like a walk in the park! This morning we woke up to my gas ( I know lovely) and the sound of our daughter saying, "mama daddy happy anniversary, let's all get up and be together! Look it's 5:55!" Yes, a little different than years before. What happened to the days of wake and bake and good sex for our anniversary, well those days are long gone I tell yah. BUT to be perfectly honest, I would not have it any other way!

We decided on Sushi of Gary for our anniversary dinner, Aiden of course tagging along. It was just right, gorgeous flowers, good food and a sip of beer (so lame but WTF who wants one of anything, would rather hold out). I enjoyed my evening tremendously after spending it in the office all day with my girl BO!

We are now hanging out in the bedroom, Aiden has gone to sleep and we are excited to organize some things for the baby. Interesting how life priorities change!

Nothing much to report other than the anniversary at the moment...but am looking forward to good, regular sex and some wine to go with it in the coming months!