Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The relationship between my mom and my Mother-in-law and my girls is so special, it really is. I feel so thankful that they are able to spend so much time with them, count on them, and know how very much they are loved by them. You see, I never really had a grandmother. My mom's mom never wanted to meet me because she married my dad (b/c he was Black) and my fathers mother was totally in my life, but at the same time wasn't? Does that make sense? Like we saw her ALL the time, but I never could really connect with her, when it counted. When I was a kid I never knew that you were supposed to spend nights at your grandmothers or have outings just the 2 of you, or even have her babysit. I feel like I was living in la la land in that way, b/c I truly didn't know that was technically the norm! Kinda depressing to think about it…but then again it's January so the entire month is depressing! XOXO BTC

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