Thursday, October 2, 2014


Little Lila James will be 4 years old tomorrow, I have VERY mixed emotions about the change of age! First of all, there's that part of me that wants another baby and then reality sets in and I know well that ain't gonna happen! I remember looking at one of Brian's Aunts when their son was about that age and think why do they baby him? Why do they care if he gets older? All I have to say at this point in my life, now that I have my own kids is I GET it! You want to preserve that innocence that's still present before the age of like 5. You want them to stay your baby as long as they possibly can before they turn into little people. Once that's done you know that part of your life is really over and that freaks the fucking shit out of me! I want so badly for them to stay at this age, I mean hell I want to stay at this age too:):) Happy Birthday my little love Lila. You can be THE biggest pain in my arse but I like you SO stinking much! Your weekend will be full of friends and family to celebrate your special day, and I hope it's everything you want it to be! Cheers to the weekend! XOXO BTC

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