Wednesday, April 30, 2014


So many times in someone's life you want the people that mean the most to you, to be THE most supportive people no matter what decisions you make. Some will be good decisions some will be bad, but you need those people by your side. In work, it's a totally different story. You are never TOO sure who your alliances are, and if they would ever turn on you in ways you can't imagine. You think you know them, you WANT to know them but at the same time they are not REALLY your friends. I like to think that my friends in my industry ARE my friends, and that former and/or present clients have my back but at the end of the day you just never know. It's Thursday tomorrow, closer to the weekend, which means I get further away from the bullshit.WOW this month sucks a moose cock! XOXO BTC

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