Monday, March 3, 2014


Remember as a kid, when people used to say mean things to someone else and that person would rhetorically answer, "I know you are but what am I?" I feel like I could use that line now, on SO many people! What is it about the older you get, the weirder people get? OR are you getting weirder and everyone else says the same thing about you? I always wonder what do people REALLY think about me (clearly a loaded questions). I would hate to know the answer to that on so many levels, but then again I also want to know just so I can categorize myself at this age(strange but true). Case in point, when I was a kid some people could not handle my humor, they would tell me I was too honest and that my joking hurt their feelings. I would get offended b/c that was not what I even intended to do. Rather I was aiming to make them laugh, in most cases during heavy situation; I always tried found humor even in times of crisis. I clearly used humor to deal with the situation at hand. I think at a young age that's hard for people to understand and even harder for me to know that was WHY I was going it! I mean for fuck sake EVERYONE wonders if they would have handled some situations differently, or did did things like exaggerate whatever to make themselves more noticeable with a group of people who sucked ANYWAY; what life might be like? I would not change ANY of my experiences for ANYTHING at all. When you have an easy road you can't possibly be the same as the person who has endured many struggles. Just some food for thought... Happy Monday! XOXO BTC

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