Friday, February 14, 2014


I just don't know what happens all of a sudden when you realize that someone you thought you could really count on, makes it so that you can't! What happens to your relationship when they want it to remain the same, but you know that things will forever be different. What happens when you can no longer sing in unison, 'Lean on me…" It has finally stopped snowing, but that means nothing b/c we are getting another 4 inches tomorrow so no rest for the weary! Tonight we are taking Aiden to see "Cinderella" on Broadway (and dinner) for V-day. She deserves a night with us without the blond monster, so we thought what better way to spend the holiday than with our BOO! She is so excited as are we, actually not sure who's more excited:) I hate this holiday I really do, but I love my it makes it special. Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentines Day, or at least to those who care about it..I personally do not! XOXO BTC

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