Don't you wish you could stop for a moment, and see how everyone else sees you? Physically and mentally? Don't you wish we had a "mirror mirror on the wall?" Access to that would be kinda sweet!
I sometimes wonder if the way I see myself is the same way others see me? I mean we are always way more critical about ourselves than others, but why can't we see ourselves the way others see us? And I mean that in a good and in a bad way! It would be helpful if I truthfully knew how my ass looked in my jeans, what outfits I think look great but in actuality make me look like shit; and what my attitude is really like...how I am perceived from the moment you meet me. I would like to think that for the most part it's positive, but then there's always those times you wish you could take back! The ones that stick in others minds but you have blocked.
WELL at least it's Thursday night, which means we are closer to the weekend, which means I can walk around freely, naked in the AM longer than I do during the week.
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