Monday, December 10, 2012


I often get a weird vibe from people that I THEN just can't shake! I think that initial intro. is key re: perception. When you don't vibe with someone from the start it sets up for a less than stellar future; AND the worst is if you know this person/people will have to be in your life for the better part of your future! How do you deal with them? AND do you have to literally fake it...forever!! The worst is when the person you think is so off, thinks that they are the best thing since sliced bread, and clearly you don't agree with them..but their perception of self is so askew it's almost more annoying than the actual person! Often times these people dish out things that they can't take back. It takes a special kind of person to NOT attack those types of people, when you know that you can...AND literally should! I think there are a lot of people out there who can fake how they feel, but then at the same time there are ton of people who cannot...I being one of them. How do I deal with them when I don't want to, AND how can you make it so that when you are together you can tolerate each other; b/c you HAVE to! I am still learning that myself b/c you reach a certain age where you only spend time with people that you want to spend time with and not with ones that you don't. That's clearly not realistic because there comes a time when everyone has to deal with people they don't like. Do you call them out on their bullshit? Do you make sure that they know you don't like them, but simply don't have a choice the times that you are together? Or do you leave sleeping dogs, well you know asleep? Food for thought, there are so many people that I love to pieces and so many randoms I just can't stand! Happy Monday! XOXO BTC

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