Holidays are never good for anyone. It's ironic that everyone is about spreading love and cheer...but it's the time that everyone argues the most? It's so nice walking into starbucks and seeing the "red" cups, or the snowflake above Bergdorf Goodman's on 5th. BUT it is so a time of stress too. MO MONEY MO PROBLEMS! You know the drill.
I like to think that everyone feels more united, but it seems everyone just feels more obligations? I would like to think it's a time for family and friends to get together, but that just equals a bigger weight gain; and a a question of who can be the bigger problem drinker:)
In any event, we enter this time of year EVERY year...and always will. So we can think about it like this, we can eat more, drink more (and not feel guilty) get things, as well as give things and take some time off. All the more reason to begin the celebration a bit earlier this year!
I knew it! 'Cohen' is Jewish!! HeeHee Wanna join me in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy for maaaany eons, miss babeOlicious? God bless you.