At about 6 months you will take what is called the gestational diabetes test. You will take it sometime between week 24 and 28, and it's so not fun! If you fail the test you will take the same test, in a bigger way. During my first pregnancy I think I MAY have read about this online, otherwise you don't even know that you have to take it...until about a month before.
So here's the real deal.
Ask to take home the Fuzzy orange drink (used to test gestational diabetes) at your monthly appointment A MONTH before your diabetes test; IF your dr. allows. This way you can take it home an put it in the refrigerator to drink when the time comes. It tastes like fizzless, really sugary orange soda. Some people LOVE it I for one do not. It's like drinking orange cola without the fizz! Drinking it warm seriously you might gag...if not puke! Your dr. will probably NOT tell you to fast, but to drink it one hour before you need to take your blood test; and once you drink it do not drink or eat ANYTHING, within that hour. I am telling you this because a TON of people eat bacon egg and cheese on a roll, then wash it down with the drink, then don't eat for an hour and fail the damn test! SO seriously, other than like water my suggestion is to fast beginning the night before, just to be safe! I (as you know) am not a dr. so of course check all of this with your OBGYN, but again I often hear those horror stories about people who eat a bagel and some coffee with sugar, take the test and fail because they ate sugar so close to drinking the drink! Why on earth the dr. does not tell you all of this, is BEYOND ME! OH and add a work out the morning of, that's always helpful too:)
IF you do not pass you will then need to take a 3 hour gestational diabetes test, where they DO tell you to fast from the evening before; and will have to drink 3 containers of a GREEN sugary drink, while they take blood 3 times in-between. Yes it is as lovely as it sounds!
I felt compelled to do a quick write up on this because A. it's an important test, but B. more importantly because I had no f__g clue I had to take it until month 5, and as you know I like to be prepared!
More to come kids, more to come...
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