Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am not sure if I am like all 2nd time around mother's but...I have to say, motherhood is the hardest thing you will ever love. I ready some of these other pregnancy blogs and mommy blogs and wonder where do you live in La La Land? Why is everything seen through rose colored glasses? Don't they want to crawl up in a ball and cry like a baby, in the dark? Doesn't everyone feel that way after they have a child? AND if you get to live in La La Land, why don't I live there too? This shit's hard man...really hard...totally awesome but HARD as hell! Harder than any job, any relationship, anything really...

BUT you end up with something so very magical, that makes it all worth while. This is the person who loves and hugs me no matter what, the person who snuggles at 5:30 AM when I want to crawl under the covers and go back to sleep. The little munchkin that tells me she loves me all the time for no reason at all, the little one that hates to see me in pain, and sticks up for me when Brian raises his voice:) She is the best parts of me and the best parts of Brian. Aiden is THE best thing I have EVER done in my life; she is my heart walking around outside of my body. SO, when people ask my why I am so honest about everything and why do I let it all hang out, namely my pregnancy...I just need to show them this, THIS is why! It is really so worth it in the end...AND I guess in some ways, sometimes I do live in La La Land and at other times I do not. What I do know is that we are all human. I like the blogs that tell the WHOLE truth and not just the best parts of their day, but all their sides.. the hard parts of their days with kids too!

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