There are times in life when a woman encounters more competition than normal--big birthdays, graduations, the boyfriend/dating years, applying to colleges, getting your first job, getting engaged, getting married...and then of course having a child. I am not sure why women compete in all that they do, not everyone...but most. I don't exclude myself from this I just like to think that I (at the very least) try and curb it when dealing with things that are utterly ridiculous!
My feeling is this--you have girlfriends you love and trust and can tell ANYTHING to, then you have girlfriends that you love but wouldn't DARE tell anything to, for the simple fact that you know they would be judging you the entire time! Then there are "Friends" who simply judge everything about everyone at anytime...I hope to NEVER be one of those people AND believe me you if you think you might be one of those people, then you are. There is no exception to the rules with these "types" of women, so when you are pregnant everything you do, see and feel is under a microscope! Whether it is where you will be giving birth, where you live, where the kids will eventually go to school, who your doctor is, I could go on and on and on...they leave no stone unturned. You would think that given the circumstance the pretentious poops would just go let it go, but they do not...they simply lay low and then POUNCE every little chance that they get! Honestly, I think it comes from their own bouts of self doubt and insecurities. You know, break you down to build themselves up kinda thing...because at the end of the day, why does it matter to them what you are doing during your pregnancy? Where you live? Who your Dr. is? Where you will be giving birth? I certainly could care less where they hell the conduct their business!
Have any of you experienced what I am talking about? Do you have friends you just want to strangle when it comes to stuff like this? Do you feel like all eyes are on you when you talk about names, schools, living locations, etc? I certainly do! It's insane how that works. I find that it actually gets worse once you have children, it's pretty bad during engagement and wedding season...but at that time you are so on cloud nine you barely care to realize it's going on. THEN the babies start coming and it's taken to a whole new level.
Bottom line is we all eat and shit the same way. We all breathe and sleep, work and play the same. So why anyone feels it's necessary to hide behind their insecurities and make others feel less secure is beyond me. I am still trying to figure that one out, and have been since I was about 10. DON'T be your own worse enemy and play into that crap. Do whatever you want, wherever you want, with whomever you want and don't think for a moment you need to care what anyone else thinks!
Just another joyous day in the world of babies and bellies!
More to come kids...more to come...