Stay tuned for "Drop The Act! It's Exhausting!" On shelves October, 2015
Saturday, August 31, 2013
I usually say that to the kids when they constantly ask me for something; BUT it also works really well when you ask a designer friend for something (to buy), and they can't deliver! What is that about? I don't really understand if you are friends with someone, and want to BUY something from them to support the brand...why you can't make it happen. Just makes me annoyed. This is what irritates me at 6:15 AM on a Sat.
Friday, August 30, 2013
"DO YOU REMEMBER, THE 21ST NIGHT IN SEPTEMBER..." WELL FOR US IT REALLY SEPT. 1ST! This time 11 years ago, I was getting a nice massage at Bliss followed by an afternoon with Scooter and Betsy (2 of my best friends), and then onto my rehearsal dinner for my wedding! We ate at lovely Italian restaurant down in NJ by Brian's parents where there was a lot of laughs, some tears, and kind of a roast for Brian and me:) None the less, I look back and the party feels like yesterday. All the details, my family, my friends I could relive the moment so well when I just close my eyes. SO fondly, really just such find memories.
Today we are gearing up for our move on Tues. this will be Cynthia (my nanny's) last day...and then the new chapter for the Cohen's begins.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Labor Day weekend, and you are with people you love. Enjoy the last moments of summer, before you know it we will be carving pumpkins!
One love!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Brian and I are celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary this weekend. Or rather I should not say "celebrating"b/c we have no plans to do ANYTHING at all, except pack. We kind of forgot the day was happening...and then well, remembered! Crazy to think how fast time goes...2 kids and 18 years later, it's like we were never NOT together. In so many ways if feels like that many years, and in others it does not. I guess that's a good thing. We have had some GREAT times and some NOT so great times, but always end up on both feet, together. I feel lucky to have him, I think he feels lucky to have me and for that I am really grateful. We have 2 beautiful kids together and there's not better thing than when we are all together!
It's getting closer to that last weekend of the summer, and everyone's feeling happy and sad at the same time. Schools start, summer is over but it's also a time of new beginnings. Changing of the leaves, Halloween, T-giving and the lovely holiday season.
Much love to all today!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I am SO ready for sweaters, skinny jeans and boots, great shoes, coats, etc. I am over summer like nobody even can understand...I always hated it anyway, so get on with it! I am ready to see the fall foliage in Jerz, celebrate Thanksgiving and everything else under the sun...I am ready for all of it! What's your favorite season???
Monday, August 26, 2013
That just sounded appropriate b.c I feel like what I am doing, it just complaining. Complaining about everything I have to pack under the freaking sun, complaining complaining, complaining!!! We move a week from tomorrow, and there is still so much left to do. I know it will all get done, that I know but at the moment it just all seems way too overwhelming. I have to worry about changing pediatricians, other dr.s schools, transportation. I could go on and on until the cows come home, but that would just annoy everyone anyway!
I have moved so many times as an adult but never has a child; so I am not quite sure how Aiden and Lila are feeling. I want to say I know what it's like but I don't, so just want to make it super exciting for them.
There is one person who is having a really hard time with this move, and for what reason I don't really understand! He is not even related to the move, does not live at the house, but yet seems to be the most affected by it; odd as it sounds...I think he thinks that's normal? Which in itself is weird. We all think it's weird but I am certainly not the one to tell him. You know what I say, "not my chair not my problem!"
Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely start to the work week...last week of summer (officially when it comes to taking time off), so enjoy it while you can. Before we know it, it is going to be holiday time!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I think sometimes I feel like I lose myself. I lose my creativity, the part of me that made me go into fashion, the more extraordinary part of me, the REAL me. I don't ever want that to happens so sometimes I need to put on an outfit, change my nail polish, really BE me to remind me who I am.
That all may sound wacky or even stupid, b/c I seem so sure of myself...and in many ways I am; BUT sometimes you begin blending in with the rest of the world (especially in NYC) and that's just not ok with me.
I hope everyone is having a lovely day, it's almost the weekend so everyone can now take a deep breath:)
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
I can't even understand why I am posting yet AGAIN, 3 times in the same day...but apparently when my husband is away I am way more creative? WHAT WHAT? Anyhoo...I used to be able to put these crazy, amazing outfits together...I would put on a paper bag and look good. So what happened? Did I just age and in my old age do I play it WAY more safe?
Do we lose our cool in our old age?
Food for thought.
BUT for real, not moving to the east side we are moving FROM the fucking EAST side! BUT the whole reason for this post is b/c I had an epiphany. It might be a non-sober epiphany but that's gotta count for something, right? I am READY to move to NJ, I am excited to move to NJ...I am (oh my fucking god) can it be, READY to move to NJ?
My name is Thomas Cohen, without the fucking -. BUT it is really amazing to see peoples faces when they meet me...and only know me via email; hence without the face! I mean, there is a LARGE part of me that gets walks the Black girl, but her last name is Cohen (the Jew). HA!
It's amazing now you can't even tell anymore, what anyone's actually extremely liberating if you ask me! My kids will no longer be THE ONES who are different like I was, and that's so amazing to think. They will go to school no matter where we live, knowing someone else who is mixed. I could count on one hand, and really out of that hand one of them happens to STILL be one of my best friends.
Anyway, it's hump day...going to leave the office a bit early, take Jess (from my office) and sit outside with a COLD glass of wine. I know I deserve it and so does she...WORD UP!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
I am sorry to say I REALLY have been a delinquent on my blog. Just insane...b/c we have made the FOR SURE decision to get the hell outta dodge! NJ here we come!
We will be officially moving on Sept. 3rd, but in my head we are already 1/2 way there. I am sad and excited at the same time, I know it was or is the best decision for my kids. NONE the less I think I did mention it, but now it's just painting, and redoing and organizing and all that stuff; on TOP of the business...OH and Brian is away the entire week (conveniently).
It's that day again, "Terrible Tuesday" and it is rearing its ugly head like no other, already! I already screamed at someone and it's only 10:40 AM in NYC, ugh not good.
We cleaned a fair amount of crap out old pics, old childhood stuff and it's weird to think I am this old...and will be even an year OLDER in about 4 weeks, WTF. Where on earth does the time go?
Thursday, August 15, 2013
How do men honestly feel the same way about their woman, post birth. I mean, including my man...he's gotta look at it differently, I mean shit I do! It's a strange question, one I don't even think I can tackle!
It's Thursday, hence why my mins is THAT much more creative!
Check this out...I could not even make this shit up if I tried, and really this is shit people think but don't DO!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
We are officially leaving NYC. Writing that was MAD weird, but if I write it and say it then I know it's true!
Amazing to think it's an end of an era but it TOTALLY is. I have not lived in the burbs since 1998, that's INSANITY!! I welcome the challenge and also the fresh air, and for so many reasons it's the best for the kids! I cried and cried and then woke up one day realizing that it's going to be GREAT! Brian asked me what I would miss most and here is what I could not list then (for some reason) but am able to list now:
1.The vibe, the energy the people
2. The ease in which you can go out to eat, drink at a different bar, walk to those places AND top it off with ice cream and it is all right next to each other
3. The cultural diversity (MY FAV PART), I will REALLY miss that moving to the burbs!
4. The food, the drinks, the HOT ass pieces walking past me everyday
5.The fact that we were just far enough from people yet so close
Those are my top 5, will come up with an additional list next post:)
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
What is it about shady people, that makes my head want to explode! I think one MAIN reason is I like people to just be upfront about things...and when they are not, it's just plain shady! There are so many people in the world of fashion who just want to get ahead, and in doing that very few do it gracefully. The ones that do I would hope succeed, the ones that do not...I hope don't. I had a client bold face lie to me, literally lie to my face for no reason. To THEN proceed to get caught, b/c I am too well connected to the world of editorial. People talk, it happens and they would really know that.
On another note, we have decided to leave NYC. It's a LONG time coming (and even longer if you have been reading this blog for a while:), but we know it's the right decision, hands down. The kids will have a yard, they will walk to school, enjoy the fresh-air and the downtime, etc. We won't have to worry about a ridiculous amount to spend on pre-school, who gets in where and why, etc. It's a BIG step, I have and will continue to cry about it, but have big hopes and big dreams for my girls:)
Hope everyone is having a lovely "Terrible Tuesday!"
Monday, August 12, 2013
There are so many times in someone's life when you have to make the REALLY hard decisions. The ones you know could affect your life forever, and those around you...but in turn they are the better decisions to be made. The hard part is not making it, the hard part is taking the steps to actually go FORWARD with your decision. That is what I am dealing with now, and as clairvoyant as I think I can be...and I do see the light at the end of the tunnel; and believe I will come out of this a stronger person. The question is, can my marriage survive? :)
It's Monday but it fucking feels like a "Terrible Tuesday." It's been the WORST fucking day literal start to finish. I can't even tell you the bullshit I have dealt with, and it just keeps on coming. I feel like a circus animal in a zoo...locked in a fucking cage, where someone lost the key! NO joke for real, I do. The mixed high and low emotions I feel like a bipolar disaster, but I am not EVEN bipolar?!?!
FUCK this day, HARD!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
I think one thing that separates those who have kids and don't, is having them is the most selfless thing you will EVER do, literally. It is the most selfless act, it's not at all about you anymore it's all about them; and really when it's right it's the way you want it to be.
One of my best friends came up for the weekend, and she decided she and her husband (much older) are not going to have kids. In addition to his age, and hers (she's 38) she is a juvenile diabetic. The risks are incredibly high when carrying children on the mother, that the risks out-way the prospect of having children. It's an incredibly smart decision on her part (I think), and I like knowing she will be around to celebrate the rest of our lives together. The kids spent the night out at Poppy and Grandma's with Brian, while Julie Dana and I spent the night engaging in THE most fun I have had in a VERY long time. We laughed, we cried, we yelled and enjoyed literally every moment while doing it. We still remember the Camp Merriwood beat like we were standing in the dining hall waiting for corn fritters on a Sunday night! It's THE most unique bond, the absolute amazing connection you can only have with certain people...I am thankful for them more than they know. I will continually make my friendships with my girls a priority, they are my lifeline; my SANITY:)
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, Monday is just around the damn corner:)
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Having kids can REALLY suck!
I may get some slack for that, and of course I mean that on a VERY general terms...BUT it's fucking true for me tonight! Brian and I had dinner plans tonight with good friends, and between Aiden's eye pain, Lila temper tantrum...needless to say, we canceled dinner. THEN all the guilt of feeling badly for wanting to go, b/c of course there are bigger problems in the world today! In the end, having kids can really suck...but most of the time it's lovely:)
Isn't it amazing that you feel like you can count on people and then BOOM, something happens and you realize they are not as supportive as you thought? That momentary revelation, it's one to reflect on that's for sure. I feel like that rarely happens anymore when you are my age, so when it does it's much more upsetting. I am hoping it's just a momentary lapse of weakness, REALLY hoping.
Until tomorrow...
Time flies when you're having fun...
It's AMAZING for me to think that my youngest is going to be 3 in about 8 weeks. I can't even FATHOM that I won't be having anymore, when I see her little baby face getting bigger:( I CRINGE at the thought of never helping a baby crawl again, or learning how to speak, walk, eat, any of those types of things..which is NUTS b/c having kids is fucking INSANITY! There's a part of me that loves traveling with them now b/c they are so self sufficient in so many ways, and then there's another part of me that just LOVES the baby stage and cannot believe I have reached the point in my life when I am already done having kids. Time really does fly when you're having fun.
I am in the office today during my vacation which sucks royally! BUT then as I write that, I think to myself it does not feel weird to be in, AT all! UGH I am so conflicted.
Hope everyone has a nice day...
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
WELL you know when you think in theory it would be nice to take vacation, but then reality sits in and you realize you own a company and that's not so possible? YEAH well that's where I am at the moment. I have takin a week off really b/c I am required to give it to my nanny and I find myself working most of the time anyway. What's the fucking point might as well be in the damn office! You know Will Smith's song, "summer, summer, summer time...?" Yeah well I hate summer lately, does nothing for me AT all.
So today is "Terrible Tuesday" and I am not exempt from the crap even while on technical vacation. It's still a shit storm, I still hate everybody and still am more exhausted than I have ever been in my lifetime.
I hope everyone is having a nice week, I am wondering when I am going to really get out of this RUT!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
So you know that feeling when you have anticipated a weekend with friends/family for WEEKS, even months...and then it finally comes and it's like AAAH!! That's my weekend. We are in "The country" Woodstock/Chichester to be exact and it's literally a slice of heaven. We have been going to be best friends house since as long as I can remember an we are now all going it together...with our kids! It's nothing short of amazing!
We will be here for the entire weekend and I cannot even TELL you how much I needed this time with my best friend. LIFE saving really.
I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, whatever you might be doing...and that you are doing it with the ones you love! Stay tuned...I am sure I will come around with some sort of drunkin post:)
Thursday, August 1, 2013
What it is about marriage that makes people fight? I mean it sounds like such an easy question to answer, but really what are the triggers? I am going to go out on lim and say kids, money, jobs OH and the biggest one probably of all family! Sometimes you just got to duke it out, and then move the fuck on.
Today Brian and I went AT it..and when I mean went at it, we might as well just had boxing gloves on b/c I wanted to punch him square in the fucking FACE! AND I am sure on many levels he felt the same way. Morning fights are always the worst. They start you entire day off shitty, you can't really think about work when you are at work b/c you are replaying the argument in your head 100 times, going over and over in your mind HOW it got so heated. You want to call them back and fight more and say the things you forgot to say, but in the same breath you want to tell them that you love them, and that you are sorry for being such a bitch. I HATE to fight with him, it's so awkward and annoying...not to mention, I LOATHE fighting in front of the kids, that is THE absolute worse thing to do. I think he had a lot of that growing up so it's just normal for him; I am not a fan.
So today is Thurs. having dinner with my sisters, which I am THRILLED about...some me time, girl time and real time all rolled up into one evening. This weekend we are off to the country with my BESTEST friend EVER...and I could use a weekend like that too. Life is so stressful, for EVERYONE and if there are ways for a moment to relieve some of that, then by all means lets do it!
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