SO, I had an interesting turn of events today...things "changed", and I thought I was good with change, but I am beginning to re-think some ways?
Let's just say, we were going in a different direction with the book and now have to pull back and reassess...which would be fine, if I heard it from the horses mouth. INSTEAD, I had some changes relayed by someone else, and that makes me A. annoyed B. wanna call the person pussy balls (but that part I left out, for now). I don't know why people can't deal with things head on? I mean for obvious reasons, fine...but having people do your dirty work, is kinda like giving someone a hand-job; there's kinda no point when they can do it themselves?
In any event, I welcome change b/c something that was going on was not in theory it's all well and good. So I sit here writing this now, and know the things we have decided to not do is probably for the best.
PS: how do so many people on any of "The Real Housewives" shows, faces literally not move? It's kinda is weird to think I find it kinda cool?